
Mar 01, 2024

february closes and opens a new chapter. lunar new year happened, yipeng went off with family and i on my own in taichung. after the intense almost four months of hosting jonathan and miwa, we are back to ourselves. without much external responsibilities, we slowly transit into working on the residency project full time. i thought we could work at our own pace, but i am reminded, as with every project in existence, collaboration is necessary, and so is a rhythm disrupted. we learn to communicate expectations with our architectural interior designer, study the intricacies of the legal frameworks that govern over businesses and companies, we begin to talk more seriously or tangibly about our project to others, and more. all these things are equally important to the programme that we want to share, they are the backbone to the flourish of our project. like with every kind of project, there will be the annoying and boring parts to deal with. it is good that we have committed to doing this together, all the good and bad parts. we know we will have each other's backs. march begins. i am so looking forward to the arrival of spring.

2/1 back to just yipeng and i now. we got new notebooks to start our new lives. tomorrow we try to find new rhythms.

2/2 couldnt sleep. woke tired. no exercise but walked twice today. cooked. finding healthy habits.

2/3 jump rope today, good start. bought food so we can cook at home more. yipeng and i discussed what we will be doing in july for the trial residency programme. much to do, much to look on at.

2/4 we took everything down from the walls, posters, notes, artwork, pictures. we offered half a day (12 hours) into putting all the pieces together for a collage book. documentation. housekeeping. its also the last day of pokemon vgc online global competition, japan nationals. im no. 413 now at 7am.

2/5 woke up late. rest day.

2/6 an unexpected day of work, awaiting calls and decision-making and relaying information. i was supporting yipeng from the side as he did these. jump rope at night. lost many games. he reminds me, sarcastically, to be thankful for the small things.

2/7 long day at nantou. we officially have the property now. it is worthy of celebration. a lot of work to come in these coming months, years, even. lets go.

2/8 lunar new year. i have a full week to myself.

2/9 i cooked twice today. doing a lot of online research this week break. research about video equipment, calendar options, site hosting options, etc.

2/10 yipengs parents came thru taichung and said hi. happy lunar new year.

2/11 extra cold today but i went for a walk. cant keep cooped up indoors forever.

2/12 jump rope. sun feels good especially when its cold. 

2/13 vacuumed the floor. did a walk. cooked. i havent spoken to anyone for a week.

2/14 went up to see family with mummy today. i think about how each of my immediate family members have gone through so much life. i wonder if its age, if we have been dealt more difficult cards, if we have somehow in some unbeknownst to us way chose these lives either to feel something or learn something, or, at the risk of saying nothing at all, simply all lives are difficult. if so, then i have to at least do mine well.

2/15 yipeng is back from lunar new year activities. we begin discussion about the work we have done over the last week. saying this a lot these days but truly so much work to do in the days to come.

2/16 slowly making our way back from kaohsiung. a slow and lazy day. a defeated feeling. seems so much to do yet cant really do them.

2/17 windowshopping for tech equipment we want to get in the future. yipeng accompanied my first playthrough of the game firewatch. gorgeous game, from the concept of being a firewatcher, the mechanics of communicating solely through radio, the sound/music setting the mood at pivotal moments. i have always felt video games could be art. this was a fitting example.

2/18 we used the day working on our collage book made from the stuff we put on the walls of this house. it will be a document memory to look back on. at night we fixed the official name of our residency programme. slow but sure progress.

2/19 bad sleep. car was towed away. a general feeling of unsmoothness, or bad luck? at least its warmer weather now.

2/20 exercise. cook. we did some work, then untitled goose game together. conceptually tight and aesthetically beautiful game. 2 geese together can wreck lives!

2/21 brainstorming workshopping logo today. all design work is harder than it seems. 

2/22 slept late. woke up late. at the last stretch of research for the necessary expenses of our future website subscriptions. next step is to purchase and start building our virtual infrastructure. 

2/23 long night of work finalising the design bones of the first floor of our property. this will affect at least the next five years of our lives. big consequential decisions.

2/24 used the day working on the logo. almost done.

2/25 met yufang today, she seems to be at the start of a new life, am happy for her. in other news, reaffirmed that i am currently a homebody who is picky about social situations. how will i make new friends in this way?

2/26 finally trying out nasal spray for my allergies. seems to help?

2/27 today we finally bought the domain for our website, got our work emails, opened our instagram account. logo is 90% done. so nice to see the planning materialise.

2/28 more decisions made about the interior layout of the house. cant wait for renovations to happen.

2/29 gallery sitting day. havent socialised with people for a while. odd to be back at it. 

二月結束也開啟了新的章節。農曆新年來了去了,奕芃跟家人去,我自己在台中。度過了那密集的四個月招待 jonathan 和 miwa 後,我們回到了自己兩個人。撇除了對外的責任,我們慢慢轉換到完全投入駐村計畫。本以為可以以我們的步調走,但我被提醒,跟所有計畫一樣,合作是必然的,而節奏被打斷也理所當然。我們學習跟建築室內設計師溝通我們的期待,細微的參考管產業公司的法律體制,我們開始更認真和實際的跟他人討論我們的計劃,等等。這些事對於我們之後駐村的節目也相等的重要,它們是讓我們計畫生殖的骨幹。每個計畫都一樣,一定會有煩人和無趣的部分要面對。還好我們已經約定了要一起合作面對所有好的和不好的部分。我知道我們會相互照應。三月開始了。我們期待春天來臨。

2/1 又回到只有奕芃跟我的日子。買了新筆記本開啟新生活。明天試著找新的節奏。

2/2 睡不著。累醒。沒運動但散步兩次。煮飯。尋找健康習慣。

2/3 今天跳繩,好的開始。買菜準備在家多煮。跟奕芃討論7月駐村試營運的節目。很多要做,很多可以期待。

2/4 把牆上的所有拆下來,海報,紙條,作品,圖片。貢獻了半天(12小時)把這些碎片組合成一本拼貼簿。紀錄。家政。也是寶可夢全球電動網路比賽,日本杯。早上7點我目前第413名。

2/5 晚醒。休息日。

2/6 沒預料到的工作日,等待電話和做決定和傳達訊息。奕芃執行這些時我在旁支持。晚上跳繩。輸了很多場遊戲。他提醒我,挖苦,要為小事感恩。

2/7 南投漫長的一天。我們正式擁有地產了。值得慶祝。接下來的日子有很多要忙。去吧。

2/8 農曆新年。我有一週獨自。

2/9 煮了兩次飯。這週的休息我會準備很多網路有關的研究。研究錄影設備,行事曆軟體,網域,等。

2/10 奕芃爸媽經過台中市打了招呼。新年快樂。

2/11 今天特冷但我還是外出散步去。不能一輩子躲在室內。

2/12 跳繩。天氣冷的時候有太陽很舒服。

2/13 吸地。散步。煮飯。一週沒跟別人見面了。

2/14 跟媽媽到山上見家人。思考著最親的家屬這輩子經歷過了太多。想像是年紀,或是我們收到的牌組就特別難,或是我們各自為了要學習什麼所以無意識的選擇了這條命,或是,就像什麼也不說似的,單純是所有的命條都很難。若是如此,我至少要把自己的生命搞好。

2/15 農曆新年活動結束奕芃回來了。開始討論報告上週準備的事。一直在說同樣的話:接下來的日子真的有得忙。

2/16 從高雄慢慢回台中。緩慢,慵懶的一天。被打敗的感覺。似那麼多要做但也不能開始。

2/17 逛街探勘之後要買的電器。奕芃陪我第一次玩 《救火者》。精美的遊戲,從當一位救火者這個概念,到遊戲裡使用收音機溝通,關節時刻的聲音和音樂。我一直認為遊戲可以算是藝術創作之一。這就是很妥當的例子。

2/18 今天用在繼續完成我們的拼貼書。會是個紀念品。晚上我們正式決定了駐村的名字。滿但明確的進展。

2/19 睡不好。車子被拖走。一個不順的預感。至少天氣暖了點。

2/20 運動。煮飯。工作,然後一起玩《無名鵝愛搗蛋》。概念精準又美感一致的遊戲。兩隻鵝可毀了人生!

2/21 討論公司logo。設計工作都看起來比做起來容易。

2/22 晚睡。晚起。最後的研究階段了。研究那些之後網路的訂閱預算。下一步是開始購買和建造我們的虛擬骨架。

2/23 漫長的晚上忙著確認一樓房屋的設計骨架。這會影響至少接下來五年的生活。事關重大的決定。

2/24 整天在做logo。快好了。

2/25 今天跟鈺芳見面,看起來在新的人生階段,替她開心。此外,確認了自己目前是喜歡待在家裡對於社交場合挑剔的宅男。這樣要怎麼交新朋友?

2/26 終於嘗試過敏鼻噴。好像有效?

2/27 今天我們終於買了網域,工作電郵,開了 Instagram 帳號。logo 剩 10%。看到計劃滿滿實體化還不錯。

2/28 又做了些房屋內側有關設計的決定。等不及開工。

2/29 顧展日。很久沒有社交了。怪怪的。

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