april is about laying groundwork, quiet preparation. we know this, but the spam of social media and the news makes us forget that what we have the privilege (or horror) to witness with our fleeting senses is only a superficial reflection of the effort behind the scenes. all that work is moments of non-being. we remember the flashy easy to summarise moments, the exhibition openings, the first warmt...
May 02, 2024
165 Visualizaciones
february closes and opens a new chapter. lunar new year happened, yipeng went off with family and i on my own in taichung. after the intense almost four months of hosting jonathan and miwa, we are back to ourselves. without much external responsibilities, we slowly transit into working on the residency project full time. i thought we could work at our own pace, but i am reminded, as with every pro...
Mar 01, 2024
212 Visualizaciones