Hey 👋 This is Jess! Click "FOLLOW" to get my updates via e-mail!
Welcome to the life of a freelancer! In the past, I've used this blog to stay in touch with stories & photos from the road. As I continue to "follow the turtle," my journey has led me back to the beautiful Emerald Coast, planting my "toes in the sand" full-time, as I expand my creative horizons.
P.S. I love to share my photos & posts... and it’s all FREE, a labor of love - I don't make any money off annoying social media/blog advertisements. So enjoy the ad-free content :)
If you really, really appreciate the stuff I share here, you can pitch in and "buy me a coffee." HALF of all proceeds will be DONATED to the Sea Turtle Conservancy 501(c)3. Your support is totally optional, but always treasured!
Thank you!!✌️
Recent supporters

Candy Farnsworth bought a coffee.

Meagin bought 5 coffees.

Someone bought 3 coffees.
You are so multi-talented. I wouldn't want to choose which I like better: your gorgeous photos or your eloquent descriptions. Either you took good notes 10 years ago on your visit to Ireland or you have a prodigious memory!
Thank you so much for your encouragement! There are several more posts yet to come for this series and it makes me happy to know they bring you joy! This adventure imprinted deeply on my mind and it has been so much fun reminiscing and stirring up the memories. As soon as I came back, I spent weeks sorting the photos and maps and brochures hoping to “congeal” the whole experience in my mind. There’s a great public TV series on Irish counties and watching it sparks recollections of all those names and places tucked away for years!