May 5th Poem: (Steam)

May 5th Poem: (Steam)

May 04, 2024


Your damp voice slipped against

mossy edges made of limestone.

soil-sullied water beaded, then plunked

but did not deter the tone — the sweet,

coppery taste of blood

remains a memory — my own

shadow-smudged candle sputters,

searing the edges of our fading elegy

dragged like yelping dogs long past

the time that earned-love has burned

down to soot-smeared and soggy ash;

snatched away as quickly

as a soaring eagle steals a rabbit,

spied and zeroed in on —

no time to run, no time

to make more mysteries

that unravel the steaming storm

lighting the inside of our skulls

creating love's longing

one more time

by Annette Gagliardi

Published in Discretionary Love, Online March 20, 2022

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