April 27th poem: The Pope's Beef Benedic ...

April 27th poem: The Pope's Beef Benedict

Apr 27, 2024

The Pope's Beef Benedict

Hiding in my luggage are two

bottles of Merlot, Swiss Chocolate

and a Pinocchio Marionette

debating the wisdom of traveling

to distant lands where one finds

such mysteries

and where one can dine on the Pope's Beef

Benedict with its juxtaposition

of seared meat and raw taste,

which I ate for supper, along with a red wine

so full and voluptuous, like the women of Rome

who bare their bosoms to the sun,

who sing to the angels and plant their pomegranates

of spring in hopes of a good harvest.

Let us remember their sacrifice.

Let us sent our gratitude skyward to a God

who would provide such riches and Thanks

be to God that we can view the road our ancestors

traveled, learn from their journey, and build on

the wisdom unearthed.

by Annette Gagliardi

Published in Mediterranean Poetry, Spring 2022 at Odyssey. pm

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