Christmas Message from Dr Teck Khong

Christmas Message from Dr Teck Khong

Dec 29, 2023

I trust you have had a most wonderful Christmas! As we the New Year approaches, I share with you prospects of a bright future with the General Election drawing closer.

At Alliance for Democracy and Freedom (ADF), we want the government to be small and serve the people in ways that all good patriots rightly expect. My main remit amongst various responsibilities in ADF is to spearhead the revival of the founding principles of our NHS and to build a new system out of the present one that has been irrevocably degraded over the past few decades.

I was fortunate to have had the benefit of over 40 years of experience and insight from working in the NHS and serving in various appointments. With that extensive background, it’s ineluctable that we must reconfigure the way medical services is delivered to ensure best outcomes for emergent problems and care is managed for ongoing difficulties. The British public deserves wholesome, seamless and holistic care, not fragmented services determined by where they live. Prioritising people’s expectations requires not only their engagement but also societal changes that optimise such an ethos.

Over the coming weeks, I will not only deliver leaflets about ADF to homes in Melton and Syston constituency, but will also meet with constituents in pubs, clubs and public venues to hear what their wishes are in these difficult times and what ADF will do in its commitment to serve them in ways that other political parties have neglected.

I hope my humble and sincere message has your approval and support, and take this opportunity of appealing to you for your help with my long cherished and genuine desire to care for others that started as a doctor all those years ago.

Thank you and best wishes for a Happy New Year!


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