Who we are?
Four ordinary working people founded Alliance for Democracy and Freedom (“ADF”), and it is now led by Dr Teck Khong, a retired NHS GP. We are committed to serving the British people and saving our country from ruination by elected politicians who respond more to supranational organisations and influences than the needs of the electorate.
Why ADF?
After the 2019 General Election, the founders of ADF like so many people in the United Kingdom have had enough of broken promises despite glowing manifestos. People were lied to by politicians who, when once elected, turned their backs on the people.
Alliance for Democracy and Freedom was finally registered with the Electoral Commission on 19th August 2020. The name clearly defines ADF. From the outset, we recognised that patriotic parties and independent likeminded councillors need to come together – hence Alliance – on a solidarity platform in order to overcome the established and errant parties. To facilitate the processes, ADF convened the Belmont-Declaration.uk which met in Leicester on 25th September 2021.
The people are aware that our Democracy has been sullied and one of our missions is to seek electoral reform, but we will have to win with the First Past the Post system to fight for the necessary changes.
As regards Freedom, one needs to look no further than the Covid Pandemic to realise that the erosion of our liberal values took a significant acceleration with the implementation of draconian measures that were totally inappropriate. ULEZ, Net Zero and CBDC are but some of the other examples of how severe restrictions of our freedom will become.
How do we work toward meeting the people’s expectations?
To return power to the people, we believe in direct democracy. That principle is clearly reflected in grassroots activism in the form of ‘Proud Of’ groups in place of conventional party branches. Proud Of groups exist to represent communities, from the ward level to the constituency or regional level, such as Proud of Fylde Coast and Proud of Beverley & East Yorkshire. There are also vocational groups, such as Proud of British Farmers. This set-up allows for interaction and interdigitation in policy development.
We have the benefit of people with real-life experience assisting with policy formulation. For example, on health and social care, Dr Khong has 40 years of insight and experience from working at the coalface of the NHS and holding various appointments. Brexit matters is led by former MEP, Mike Hookem.
You and ADF, together!
Unlike the mainstream parties, ADF does not have the backing of big donors but relies on membership and sundry donations. ADF is also handicapped by the lack of support from mainstream media to gain wider publicity. We are, however, cognisant of successes of freedom movements in other parts of the world, such as M5S in Italy.
The Road to Freedom
We will stand candidates where support for ADF is strongest, cognisant of the fact that the party is new to the political arena even though it is powered by people with unrivalled commitment and tremendous life experience.
In hoping to achieve success at the next General Election, we appeal to you for financial support and encouragement of others to join ADF as members. We also welcome your assistance with campaigning, from organising public meetings to distributing leaflets.
We at ADF are confident that, with your help, we will succeed in our honourable ambition to restore time-honoured societal values and fine British traditions.
We are unapologetically proud to be British! Together, we will succeed in serving the people, saving our country and prospering the nation!
Be Proud! Be Free!
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Glen Maney hat ein coffee gekauft.
Great to see a party who actually speak for the majority of people in the UK. The average Joe in the street.

Someone hat 3 coffees gekauft.