Hello! This guide outlines what you can and cannot do with a commercial tier or seasonal license purchase. You MAY: Sell any designs included in your active license. For example if you have the "Decorations" commercial license, you may sell any items in the "Decorations" category. (See list of licensable models .) You MUST put "Designed by and licensed from Zammer 3D" anywhere in your listing desc...
Commercial Tier Guidelines
Nov 19, 2024
45 visualizzazioni
These are the different categories of models available with commercial licenses. The All Access license grants permission to sell any of the below models. Decorations: Chevron Arrow Vase (Vase Mode!) Pencil Cup: Ribbed Circle Swirl (Vase mode!) Pencil Cup: Ribbed Cube Spiral (Vase mode print!) Pencil Cup: Ribbed Triangle Spiral (Vase mode!) Pencil Cup: Ribbed Hexagon/Octagon Swirl Vase Mode Vorono...
Licensable Models
Nov 19, 2024
80 visualizzazioni