Heidi Fischer
69 supporters
2021 Goal Reached!!

2021 Goal Reached!!

Nov 28, 2021

🥳 Thank-you so much to each and everyone of you!! ♥️ My goal this year was to raise $500 in order to offset the cost of the fees from my website and designing software. I also received some donations outside of this platform, and so I was indeed able to surpass my goal.

This means a lot to me. Money isn’t everything, but since we live in a society that runs on it - and I’m not a wealthy person, this truly helps. The bonus is that it’s a nice reminder that what I do and who I am has value.

Not everyone can support me financially, and that is more than understandable. Support comes in many ways - and I appreciate it in all its forms.

Again thank-you all so much for your generosity and kindness, it means more than you know! ♥️♥️♥️

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