Hi everyone! Thank you so much for all of your continued support in all of my lecturing, teaching, and other endeavors. I greatly appreciate all that you guys do for me tremendously, and I wanted to make this page to offer another way for you guys to support the channel.
At the end of every month, 50% of the money from this page will go toward a charity of YOUR choosing. I will email out a Google Poll for voting for a charity to all people signed up for the lecture-associated emails (link below to sign up):
Recent supporters

Rasha Ibrahim bought 3 tea.

Maryam Siddiqui bought 3 tea.
Genuinely, thank you so so much for everything that you do! You've made my MCAT prep journey so much more easier, I wish I found your lecture series earlier! You're a great teacher and you make learning the MCAT content a lot easier. May Allah reward you for all of your hard work for helping people like me learn and succeed on this test. I hope your Ramadan is going well! And (early) Eid Mubarak! :)

Trin Dheandhanoo bought 3 tea.
Thank you so much! Even though you said you hate physics but you delivered the content really well really simple. I really understand everything. Thanks a lot!

Warren Kang bought a tea.