Celebrating a new start! Onward and upw ...

Celebrating a new start! Onward and upward!

Jul 21, 2024

My dear friends,

It's been a year since I reported to you about my progress here.

It just turned to July 22, 2024. I am celebrating my birthday again.

2023 to 2024 is one year to remember. So much happened in this short period.

Probably, the most remarkable was the graduation of Cloé from high school. When our world went upside-down in 2019, I thought it was nearly impossible to keep her in the same school to the end. Fast forward five years, I was at the graduation in awe looking at her on stage receiving the diploma and saluting all the teachers. I could see how much she was loved at school. I still owe a lot to the school so it's far from finished, but now it feels like a new start.

I know I don't have to worry about her in the way I had to five years ago. I am proud to be her mother sending her off to adulthood. I don't regret to have invested all my existence in her for the past five years. In the end, what I can leave in this world is my legacy. Today, reflecting on my life on my birthday, I tap on my shoulders. I know I couldn't have made to this point without your love, help, and support. So thank you.

Change is in the air. Things are moving forward.

As you may know, I am stubborn and persistent. I decided to make this year the most brilliant year in my life so far.

It will be.

This year, my birthday celebration started last weekend with my friends, and today, it will be a low-key mom-and-daughter solo celebration. I don't need much because I already have so much.

Thank you for being there. I hope to be there for you when you need me.

Much love, Yuka

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