Version 2.2.0 is here πŸš€

Version 2.2.0 is here πŸš€

Jun 21, 2024

YouTube Star Rating has reached version 2.2.0 πŸ™Œ.

I'm using YouTube Star Review regularly now and I found it increasingly tedious to keep the two ratings system in sync. I'm talking about YouTube's like/dislike and YouTube Star Rating systems.

Introducing a new translation layer that integrates seamlessly with YouTube's like/dislike system. This update means you no longer need to interact with both systems separately. With YouTube Star Rating, ratings of two stars or less automatically translate to a dislike, while ratings of three stars or more translate to a like, simplifying the user experience.

Keep in mind, that this is only a one-way translation. Why, you may ask? It would be extremely hard to estimate the number of stars you were thinking about when pressing the like or dislike button.

Please spread the word, share your feedback, and let's keep making YouTube even more enjoyable together! πŸ’¬βœ¨

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