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set in stone VIP/ True Love RP
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With vip you will get a donor car with a custom black market weapon and a extra 20k once you enter the city
thanks for showing love to set in stone rp
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With VIP2 u will receive a MLO White List business donor car an 250k with 2 guns
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Access to our test server
With this 25 dollars membership you will gain access to our admin only test this come with preaks for our main server far as tester role in discord a donor car 500k cash an a free mlo an be the first to see an tryout our new custom made scripts
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SetInStoneRP Diamond pack
/Una tantum
With this 1 time payment you will receive a 1of1 car 350k in game cash a free gang or WL business and a custom chain you can also get your very own WL skin put in with no extra charge this will also include one WL item drug if u chose a gang