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Carlo Mac bought a slice.
Thanks Matt. I am using Sequoia, but the instructions overall can be applied (Sequoia interface just a bit different) in creating the html signature for mail (I used your sonoma instructions).

Samuel Bickett bought a slice.
Thanks a ton from this non-programmer for your clear and simple instructions on creating an html signature in Apple Mail--can't believe they make it this complicated.

Brad bought 25 slice.
I wasted soooo much time trying to figure out how to embed Apple html email signatures for work before I found your tutorial.
It had me up and running in no time.
Just wish someone had such a thorough guide for dealing with html email in all of the various Outlook platforms.

Craig Luigart bought 10 slice.
My morning and evening go to app to get a broad overview of national and world opinions of the ‘going on’s’. There is none better than this.

Someone bought a slice.
Thank you SO MUCH for helping with that email signature tutorial!