What are you contributing to the “Sea of ...

What are you contributing to the “Sea of thought”?

Sep 19, 2024
Good morning. As I was setting myself up this morning for coming into the office and doing some work, I had just meditated and had a beautiful breakfast. And I was very aware of my presence in my body and the thoughts that I was thinking and my intention which is to share love and joy. Because I had meditated this morning and I've been focusing on it, I feel very open and free as if I'm radiating those frequencies out.

It just made me think about a teaching from a long time ago. I remember in the dance room Vinn Marti’ as they called him back then, he is now Vincent Martinez Grieco, would ask us, "

What are you contributing to the sea of thought?"

And it was such a beautiful question, such a lovely inquiry because if you imagine that as you travel through your world, space is not empty. It's full of thought, energy, and whatever else space is full of.

What I'm thinking is influencing my energetic signature that is actually radiating out of me as I walk through the world. And what I'm thinking is influenced by sensations in my body that I may and or may not, most likely a lot of them without the work of bringing them into a conscious awareness, are running on autopilot. They're causing reactions. So all thought that's reactive, all thought that is habitual or plays on a loop, is usually connected to some physical sensation.

Those physical sensations are just asking for our attention. But the nature of human beings is to push that stuff aside, act as if it doesn't matter, and move on, just get over it, just get on with it. And of course, you can create a lot in your life that way. And when you go through it, experience it, there is another side, and the experience of life is quite different.

So what are you contributing to the sea of thought around you today?

And how could you possibly sit with yourself in a way where you got a little bit more curious about the sensations that are arising without making a judgment on them, without needing to change them, but really, really with a loving, compassionate eye, just take a look inside and breathe into a space that feels perhaps a little bit scary or a little bit tight and just let it know, "I see you, I love you," and that's all you have to do.

You don't have to do anything else. You don't have to do anything really, but if you want to experience perhaps a shift of consciousness, maybe a new awareness will come for you. That's my experience, and I just wanted to share it with you. I hope you have a beautiful day.
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