Dance Freedom

Sep 17, 2024

Hey there beautiful being,

I've got something really special to share with you today – a hypnotic audio that I've poured my heart into. It's designed to give you a taste of the magic we create in our deeper work together.

Follow this link to go directly to the 12 minute audio: (best experienced in headphones.)

This guided experience is all about connecting with your inner dance and feeling truly at home in your unique body. It's a gentle but powerful journey to your true center, using the power of hypnosis to bypass the chatter of your mind and connect directly with your higher self.

Whether you're a seasoned mover or someone who's always felt a bit awkward in your body, this process will meet you right where you are. It's not about following steps or looking a certain way – it's about discovering your inner dancer and honoring your true center.

As you listen, you might find layers of tension melting away, revealing strengths you didn't know you had. That's the transformative power of this work – it opens doors to parts of yourself you may have forgotten or never fully explored.

This introductory session is just the beginning. It's a doorway into a much more expansive, enjoyable, and life-changing practice that we dive into more deeply in our Magical Mystical Movement HeartTrust.

So find a comfy spot where you won't be disturbed, take a deep breath, and let yourself be guided on this journey. I can't wait to hear how it resonates with you!

Remember, your dance is uniquely yours. Enjoy this first step on an amazing journey.

With love and excitement for what's to come, Mary

P.S. If this experience lights you up, just wait until you experience what we do in our membership! It's where the real magic happens.

The link below will take you to the audio and transcript.

Enjoy and please share the love.

(I'd love to stay connected. If you would like to join my email list, please message me with your email and I'll keep you posted on the best updates :-)

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