Weekly Blog #6 - March 21st 2021

Weekly Blog #6 - March 21st 2021

Mar 21, 2021

Hiya everyone! It's Sunday once again and that means another weekly blog post! This weeks blog should be a bit more exciting than last weeks (which was pretty short).

I've not been in work at all all this week due to having paid time off and despite a rocky start to the time off I have enjoyed it in the end! This week has done wonders to my mental health with being able to meet up with a couple of my closest friends, watching a couple of live shows, new merch in the post and I have even beeen getting out of the house to exercise (almost) all week too!

Starting off on Tuesday, it was my younger brothers Birthday and whilst the day was a bit of a rocky one it ended on a reasonable note if nothing else so can't complain from my own pov. My brother did enjoy his gifts from me so mission success for this year! Just means that my Birthday is next in the house and that is scary as I will be officially half-way through my 20's... 😰

Wednesday I got to see one of my best friends, Haru, for a socially distanced walk and we got to chill in a park under a bandstand as the weather wasn't on our side on that day (despite the weather forecasts saying there would be no rain until it changed on the day). It was really nice to see them for the first time properly in literally 7 months... even if they did judge me over my tastes when it comes to food, which to be fair some of those judgements I can absolutely understand... 💀

On Thursday I got to see Jojo, again for the first time properly in 7 months! We have a path along the river near our houses that leads to a lock so we both walked there and back together and thankfully the weather was a bit more agreeable on that day even though it did start to get cold just before we decided to start heading back home again! It was really nice to see her again!

On Friday I went out for another walk but this time on my own, I didn't venture too far as I honestly had no motivation for it on that day...

I also got around to driving my car to the local shop to do a bit of shopping, poor car must be feeling abandoned as it was my first time driving in a week at that point! Don't worry I had been starting my car up every few days so the battery doesn't go flat! ☆

As for yesterday (Saturday) it was another more eventful day, I got around to watching Day 1 of the Nijigasaki High School Idol Club Shuffle Festival and it was so much fun! I won't say too much about who sung what songs incase anyone doesn't want to be spoilt but 3 of my choices got in so I was really pleased with that result and two of those were for my best and third best girl in the group! Aside from the live, beforehand I went out for a walk which ended up incorporating another trip to the supermarket as even though I asked the night before if we need anything, I got a list of things we needed so it kept me busy and active if nothing else!

As for today, Miura Ayme held a live on his YouTube channel where he performed an amazing selection of his songs for us! ♡

I did my best to cheer Ayme on despite the live being from 1AM till 2:25AM (approx) where I live so I had to be quiet! Didn't stop me from waving my Aqours penlight for him (I had purple (Mari Ohara's image colour) on the whole time as that is one of his favourite colours... maybe one day Ayme will have his own official penlight? I will continue to support him so he can further his musical career! 💜🖤) and quietly singing along to his songs without a care in the world! 💜🖤

I also hope that my Japanese in my tweet was ok as I am an absolute noob and only know the basics, I did used to be able to do more but I haven't been using the language for so long that I forgot a lot of it now... 💔During the live Ayme showed off his jacket to us and it was amazing! I absolutely love it and it was covered in loads of what is likely fake jewels (studs?) to resemble cherry blossoms - very appropriate for the time of year as we are starting to get more into Spring now and the cherry blossoms in Japan should be starting to bloom soon (if not already have started to bloom)! 🌸

I tried my best to take photos during the live as I decided to use my Nintendo Switch to watch it instead of on my phone for a bigger screen, also had to connect my Switch to my 4G on my mobile so I would get less lagging than usual!

As is what seems to be a staple part of Ayme's lives, he had technical issues again with his equipment which really sucked for him as it seems to happen everytime for him when he does a live on YouTube but with his hard-work and determination he pushed through and we all made the most of the time Ayme was live for! It's things like this that I actually love about Ayme's YouTube lives, while yes the technical issues are an annoyance and put things behind schedule, Ayme always pushes through and sorts it all out in the end for us, his fans, so we can listen to him singing live.

A lot of people were moaning about the technical problems but I personally enjoy getting to see how determined Ayme is to overcome those problems and push through with an amazing performance as a whole! We just need to remember that technical issues are more upsetting for Ayme than anyone else! I am truly grateful for him, he cares deeply for his fans and always does his best to put on an amazing performance... even when the technology doesn't want to!

Happy 3rd Anniversary Miura Ayme! Thank you for all of your hardwork! 💜💪🏻🖤


Hopefully next year I will be a bit more fluent in Japanese, just need to make the effort to start learning the language properly again! Maybe for Ayme's 4th anniversary I will be able to do a full tweet congratulating him in a mix of both English and Japanese to convey my gratitude to him for all of his hard-work! 💜🖤

After Ayme's live I ended up dozing off but got woken up at around 5AM as my brother had a car wheel blow on him whilst on his way to work, thankfully that was all sorted out and no one was hurt... except for the car tyre that blew up into smithereens... 💀

After that I tried to get up but had no energy so went back to bed, ended up waking up at around 1:30PM in the end properly!

I did manage to fit in a walk and I ended up walking for 65 minutes (according to my phone) witb practically no breaks and it is safe to say that when I got home I was tired again!

Overall this week ended on a high note if nothing else, I still have tomorrow off from work and then it is back to it all again!

Aside from my fairly busy week I did also get some more merch in the post! ♡

This week I got a new Yoshiko badge, Kanata pass case, Kanon badge and a Kanon omanjuu plush! ♡

I love the NEO SKY, NEO MAP Kanata pass case the most out of these and I hope that I can eventually make use of it, just need to invest in a reel keychain for it!

I got all of this merchandise from YY Kawaii once again, I absolutely couldn't recommend them enough for anime purchases! ☆

And I think that is it for this weeks blog! Overall I had a great week and my mental health is just thanking me for it, just hope that if I keep on pushing forward and try to keep up going for a walk daily that I will be able to live life with a more positive outlook if nothing else! ♡

Thank you all for reading!

Stay safe and enjoy the coming week! ♡

This weeks top 5 song recommendations:

☝🏻~ Please listen to this song in particular! Gabe is a non-verbal Autistic who loves to sing and Aryeh incorporated Gabe's singing into a song and it is beautiful! ♡

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