Sick All Week, Is November Gonna Be Crap ...

Sick All Week, Is November Gonna Be Crappy?

Nov 04, 2022

It's like every time I get over-excited for any given target that something happens to bring me to a screeching halt. This time, it's a pretty decent cold. Although I'm feeling a bit better today, the damage has been done. I just hope I'm feeling well enough to participate in Extra Life tomorrow. Out of the past nine years, I've never missed Game Day.

I managed to get a bit done throughout the week, mostly for the paying clients. However, I am very far behind for NaNoWriMo, editing Kingmaker, the blogs, and everything else I wanted to do before heading out to Utah for Thanksgiving.

Does that mean I'm going to throw in the towel for November? Absolutely not! I'll just have to change a few things up, I suppose.

Never give up, never surrender!

Only 2700 Words for NaNoWriMo

On the first, I felt well enough to crank out 2700 words for NaNoWriMo. I rewrote a huge chunk of Lust and created the header graphic for when it goes live. I wanted to be done with that part of the anthology today, but then the cold dialed itself up to eleven. So, that kind of sucked.

Still, If I can eek in some time during the weekends (aside from this weekend), I should be able to get it back on track. It just means I'll spend a massive chunk of time on Saturday and Sunday writing VII, which is fine, as long as the kids leave me be.

Perhaps I can squeeze in some time today. As I said, I'm feeling much better this morning. Still have a mild cough, but it doesn't feel like five pounds of lead are camping out in my sinuses. Of course, this will have to be after all of the other scheduled things for the day while playing a bit of catch-up.

Edited One Chapter of Kingmaker - Kinda

At least I was able to edit a chapter of my next book before getting wiped out. Though, I'm not sure how good of a job I did, considering I was starting to feel sluggish by the time I got to Kingmaker. I might have to go over the chapter again just to make sure I didn't screw something up.

The nice thing about Reedsy is that I'm able to leave notes on the manuscript for things I want to add and correlate within the story. I've already made a few so that I can give it a bit more life. And getting the feedback from the beta readers has helped fine-tune a bit of what the story needs before going live.

Unfortunately, I think this cold and other things in life are going to push back the publishing date a bit. I wanted it out before Christmas, but that's looking less and less likely. However, I want to make sure it's the best version I can possibly put out. It's never good to rush yourself to the point of publishing something that is incomplete or poorly structured.

Getting Ready for Game Day

Every year during the first weekend of November, we get together for Game Day for Extra Life. It's a charity event where we try to help drive donations and awareness for the Children's Miracle Network. All donations I receive go directly to Children's Hospital here in Denver, which is who I specifically sponsor.

Because we thrive on chaos, we're unable to do the entire 24 hours of gameplay. Between work schedules and other elements of life, it's just not all that feasible at the moment. Not to mention that I'm getting too old to do a long stretch like that. So, we've broken the 24 hours up into 12 on Saturday and 12 on Sunday.

This means I'll have to write the Buy Me a Coffee membership stuff tonight to schedule for Sunday and Monday. Good times.

Gotta Pick Up the Slack

It's still early in the month, which means I don't really know the extent of the damage to my goals in November this cold hath brought. But I know it can't be all that good. Yet, I'll continue to push as we wrap up the last couple of months of the year.

Let's just get through the weekend and try again on Monday. There is still plenty of time to make some awesomeness happen. Just need to clear my head of this cold and get back at it.

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