Getting Back Into Production Mode After ...

Getting Back Into Production Mode After a Vacation

Aug 06, 2021

Over this past week, I've found it difficult to get back into the swing of things for creating content. Sure, I've done more live streaming this week than ever before. However, I'm lacking in terms of blog posts and videos. And it's not from a lack of time. No, this time, it's from a lack of motivation.

What it boils down to is not having anything scheduled in Asana and then trying to wing it. This kind of layout really doesn't work for me, which is why I started putting everything into Asana to begin with.

Today, though, I'm feeling good and have a good plan of action for the rest of the day. I guess I just needed a few more days to recuperate from the stress and frustration of traveling to and from Utah last weekend.

I even slept in a few times this week. Well, sleeping in for me means waking up at 7:30 instead of 6:00 am. But now I feel recharged and ready to go!


Working on Themes Next Week

This week, I came across a few issues for both WriterSanctuary and CrossingColorado. One has an immense speed and LCP issue according to Search Console while the other is jumping around and creating blank spaces on mobile devices.

I knew I would have to work on fixing the theme elements sooner or later. But now, it's getting pretty bad and I'm losing positions in Google search.

I've seen a few themes I want to try out for both websites. I just don't look forward to customizing the homepage again. It'll only take me a few hours, but it's still time I could be spending working on content. But it has to be done.

For the LCP issue, longest contentful paint, I'm going to set up an experiment on This way, I can keep track of what I changed and can roll back if I need to. But if I can figure out my problems, it should make for another great YouTube video. My dealings with CLS, cumulative layout shift, made for one of my most popular videos to date. It even shows up in a Google search.

Getting Closer to Finishing the eBook

Every week, I'm getting closer and closer to publishing my first eBook. It's pretty exciting, actually. Because it's so short, right now it's at 35 pages, I'm going to give it away for free to Buy Me a Coffee members. Otherwise, I'll probably charge $0.05 per page, which seems to be the going rate for this kind of a book.

Not only is it my first real published book, but it's going to give me a slew of content ranging from how to use Kindle Direct Publishing to finding viable methods of marketing. This should give me several blog posts and videos regarding the subject of self-publishing.

The fun part is editing. I really can't afford to hire an editor, so I'll have myself and Sam go over it with a fine-toothed comb. I'm not planning on getting rich from the book, but I would like to have something out there that is a quality read.

More Marketing Research is Coming!

With all of the different things I'm involved in, you'd think I would push the marketing perspective a bit to generate visits and income. The truth is, I do far more marketing for GreenGeeks than I ever have for myself.

Part of that has a lot to do with impostor syndrome.

I've never felt I was ever good enough to aim for greater levels of success. But, I've been breaking a lot of that shell, recently. And the more I create, the better I feel about myself as a professional.

Impostor syndrome and having a low level of self-confidence can hold you back in profound ways. It's been a difficult road, but I'm finally getting to the point of feeling that I do have a lot to offer and deserve all the success I've generated over the past decade.

At any rate, I'll be doing a few marketing experiments on regarding different avenues, what has worked, and what medium I'm pushing. Because I have five blogs, four YouTube channels, two podcasts, two novels, a Twitch stream, and a partridge in a pear tree to market.

Breaking July's Writing Record in a Big Way

So far this August, I'm on track to shatter my previous writing record set in July. I have to beat 69,803 words for the entire month and I'm sitting at around 75,000 according to estimates from yesterday. If I can get the ball rolling again next week, I'll surely get pretty close to 100,000!

In fact, that might be a good video for I was able to hit 100,000 words in a single month. And these words are for blog posts, novels, clients, copywriting, and anything else that is published which drives my career forward. Yes, this includes Vocal, Hubpages, and Medium.

Because even blogging platforms like that earn you a bit of cash while getting your name out there as an expert writer.

If you have a free blog, get writing! Every word you create is one more that helps you reach a myriad of goals as a creator.

Keep the Momentum Alive

As I said at the beginning of the year, 2021 is going to be epic. And so far, it has been. From blog improvements to podcasts, it's been awesome for experimenting and finding my pace.

Here's something else I've said before that still holds true: this is what happens when you don't give up on your dreams. Yes, the road is rocky and rough. But the longer you push forward and build yourself up, the more likely you'll reach those high levels of success.

All I did this year was identify my shortcomings and worked to improve every aspect of what held me back. Mostly, this was due to sheer laziness and a lack of self-confidence. After addressing those elements, though, everything has been unfolding quickly.

Don't dwell on what you can't do. Figure out why you can't and come up with a plan. Then, put in the effort to meet those expectations of yourself. Just make sure you keep your goals and strategies realistic.

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