7 sostenitori
Long time no see? Grab a cuppa! ☕️

Long time no see? Grab a cuppa! ☕️

Jan 14, 2024

Hello 👋🏽

Incase you’re looking for proof of life I’m here, just living the life outta me! You know with the ups and downs of having one amazing cup of coffee ☕️ and some terrible ones as well! The one where the cream sits on the top and it’s too cold, not strong enough or coffee as light as the cup it sits in!

See how I complain more and compliment less? Yes, I know I’ve been drinking really good ones as well! The ones from exotic lands, near and far… from Sweet Mexico to Nigeria, from India to Vietnam, from Turkey to Colombian beans, Arabica to Robusta, Liberica to Excelsa… can’t really describe the differences yet but I’ve tried them. “Will try everything, just once!” This was the attitude I started with, but have I tried everything? Not really… Am I grateful enough for the ones I’ve tried?

That’s for another post, for now; Thank you for my coffee!

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