Mastering PCS Preparations: My Guide to ...

Mastering PCS Preparations: My Guide to Finding the Right Home and Location

Apr 25, 2024

When it comes to preparing for a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) move, finding the right rental home in the perfect location can truly make all the difference. As a military spouse who is no stranger to frequent moves, I have learned a thing or two about the importance of choosing the right place to call home. While I have yet to experience living in base housing, I am gearing up for that transition with my next move. In the meantime, here are some valuable tips I have picked up along the way when it comes to apartment rentals.

Checking Cellphone Service - Staying Connected

As I navigate the complexities of PCS moves, one of my steadfast rituals involves scrutinizing the cellphone service in potential new neighborhoods. It's a task that some might brush off as minor, yet for me, it's absolutely critical. Staying connected in the digital age, especially when our military lives hurl us into new territories with startling regularity, is not just about convenience—it's about maintaining lifelines. My family, friends, and work are scattered across the canvas of USA, making dependable cellphone service essential for bridging the distances that physical miles impose. The reality of our moves often means selecting an apartment we've never seen in person, making the task of ensuring good cellphone coverage even more daunting. 

Early on, I learned the hard way that a poor signal could lead to missed connections, dropped calls at crucial moments, and an overwhelming sense of isolation just when I needed support the most. The frustration of a conversation cut short or the anxiety of a work call lost to static is a stress I aim to avoid at all costs. For instance, I recall moving into an apartment in Virginia, lured by its modern amenities and picturesque surroundings, only to discover that my network signal was barely existent, rendering my phone useless at crucial times. To mitigate these risks, I've grown accustomed to consulting coverage maps with the diligence of a strategist plotting their next move. These charts become my trusted aides, revealing regions with superior network strength, and guaranteeing uninterrupted contact with my family afar, as well as facilitating unimpeded execution of my work-from-home responsibilities. Reflecting back on my move to Hawaii, I endured spotty service due to inadequate research. Checking coverage maps would have prevented this. Unfortunately, not only did poor cellphone reception complicate matters, but the area's weak internet connection also halted my work-from-home arrangement. Additionally, I've found invaluable resources within the local military and spouses' pages. These communities are a wellspring of shared experiences, where queries about coverage in specific areas are met with honest, firsthand accounts. This collective wisdom not only aids in making informed decisions but also fosters a sense of camaraderie and support, reinforcing that even in new terrain, we're never truly navigating alone.

Exploring Local Attractions - More Than Just a Place

The moment we set foot in our new location, the explorer within me awakens, buzzing with anticipation for the adventures that lie ahead. It's not just about finding a place to live; it's about discovering a place to thrive, to experience joy and make memories that linger long after we've moved on. This is why exploring local attractions holds a special place in my PCS preparations. It's about painting our lives with the colors of each new community, finding those unique spots that resonate with our spirits.

My initial step involves a visit to the local information center, perusing through brochures, and making inquiries about significant annual happenings in the locale. These brochures are a goldmine of local events, iconic spots, and hidden gems. The annual happenings, like town fairs or music festivals, offer a vibrant glimpse into the cultural heartbeat of the community. In the spirit of total immersion, I often also enroll in a short local class - it could be pottery, language, or cooking, adding a pinch of local flair to our lives. Besides, reaching out to the locals, making conversations, and listening to their stories always opens up avenues of exploration that aren't typically in any brochure. This not only aids the local economy, but it also nurtures bonds with the community members and temporary military families.

I’ve found that diving into the local scene – be it a quaint cafe that knows just how to brew the perfect cup of coffee, a hidden trail that offers solace and breathtaking views, or a community theater that brings stories to life in the most captivating ways – adds layers to our experience of a place. These discoveries become the landmarks of our journey, not just physically but emotionally, transforming a location from a dot on the map to a chapter in our story.

On weekends, my partner and I become tourists in our own town, sometimes stumbling upon historic sites that whisper tales of the past, or vibrant markets that showcase the craftsmanship and flavors of the area. Each outing is a stitch in the fabric of our shared experiences, creating a tapestry rich with the essence of every place we've called home, however briefly.

It's not merely about passing time or filling our days with activities. It's about engagement, about rooting ourselves in the present and soaking in the essence of our temporary home. By embracing what's around us, we weave ourselves into the community, building connections and crafting a life that, while always on the move, is full of depth and meaning.

So, as I plot our next adventure, I do so knowing that these explorations are more than just outings; they're an integral part of our journey, enriching our lives one local attraction at a time.

Investigating Schools and Parks - For Families and the Future

Navigating the tapestry of a new town includes more than just finding the right coffee shop or the quickest route to work; for many, it involves laying the groundwork for a family's growth and happiness. Although my partner and I have not ventured into parenthood, I've gleaned insights from my circle of military friends who emphasize the importance of local schools and parks in their PCS considerations. They’ve taught me that these elements are not mere amenities but pillars of community life that can significantly affect a child’s development and family joy.

In my discussions with them, I've come to appreciate the process of investigating schools and parks as a proactive step towards building a life, not just setting up a home. They share stories of visiting schools, engaging in conversations with teachers and principals to get a sense of the educational environment. They talk about the importance of a school’s ethos, its commitment to fostering not only academic prowess but emotional and social intelligence as well.

Similarly, parks are not just open spaces but stages for life's simple yet profound moments. My friends recount afternoons watching their children make new friends on playgrounds, weekend family picnics under sprawling trees, and the joy of discovering a park’s hidden corners. These stories illuminate how such spaces contribute to a sense of belonging and community, offering a respite from the structured life that often accompanies military schedules.

Through these narratives, I’ve learned that schools and parks serve as cornerstones for nurturing families in new locations. They represent the promise of growth, learning, and leisure - essential components of a fulfilling life. Even as someone without children, these conversations underline the importance of community infrastructure in creating a vibrant, supportive environment for everyone, painting a fuller picture of what it means to truly settle and thrive in a new place.

Understanding Crime Maps - Safety First

Diving into the depths of crime maps might sound like a daunting task at first, but for me, it's an indispensable step in the PCS preparation process. I’ve always held the belief that a home should be a safe haven, a place where worries about the outside world melt away the moment you step through the door. That's why understanding the safety landscape of a potential new neighborhood is something I prioritize.

My journey through the various neighborhoods I’ve considered over the years has taught me the value of being proactive about safety. Early on, I learned that crime maps are more than just charts and numbers; they’re a glimpse into the daily realities of a community. They tell stories of the areas, highlighting the patches of tranquility amidst the urban sprawl, guiding me towards making an informed decision about where to plant roots, however temporarily.

I approach these maps not with fear, but with a mindset geared towards empowerment. Armed with this knowledge, I navigate my options, considering not just the statistics, but also the community's response to them. Are there neighborhood watch programs? How visible is the local law enforcement presence? What is the response time in the area for Fire, Medical, and Law Enforcement? These are the questions that buzz in my mind as I sift through data, each answer painting a clearer picture of life in that area.

In addition, it's equally important to scrutinize the nature of the crimes and assess their frequency over time on the map. Is there a string of car thefts? Is a particular street infamous for late-night disturbances? Do home burglaries peak in a certain month? Uncovering the specifics of crime trends in the area is crucial in understanding what precautions might be necessary. Recognizing patterns such as higher crime rates in certain seasons or prevalent crimes like bicycle theft or vandalism can help in implementing appropriate safety measures at home. I usually take notes and compare them with the historical crime data to see if there's been any improvements or a consistent decrease in crime over the years. It’s about watching for both positive and negative trends and then weighing those observations in my decision-making process.

Gauging Work Commute - Balancing Life and Duty

Navigating the balance between duty and personal life often hinges on the simplicity or complexity of our daily commute. In the intricate dance of military life, where time is precious and moments together can be fleeting, the journey between home and work assumes profound importance. I've learned through the moves and transitions that a less taxing commute can significantly enhance our quality of life.

In my search for the next place to call home, I prioritize proximity to work with a keen awareness of how each additional mile on the road can translate into time away from those cozy evenings and spontaneous adventures that knit the fabric of our lives. It's not just the distance but the rhythm of traffic, the predictability of travel times, and the availability of alternate routes that shape my decisions. My aim is always to strike a harmonious balance, ensuring that my professional responsibilities are met without sacrificing the personal joys and relaxation that replenish my spirit.

I've become adept at dissecting traffic patterns, leveraging apps and local insights to gauge peak hours and alternative paths. This knowledge empowers me to plan my days with precision, allowing for that invaluable extra cup of coffee in the morning or the serene walk in the evening that helps to unwind and reconnect with myself and my surroundings. It’s a strategy not just for efficiency but for nurturing well-being, making each transition not just bearable but beneficial.

This focus on minimizing commute stresses is not a mere preference but a cornerstone of creating a life that feels fulfilling and balanced. It underscores the belief that while our duties may define our destinations, they need not dictate the quality of our journeys.

Evaluating Traffic Maps - Avoiding the Daily Grind

As my journey of PCS preparations unfolds, turning to traffic maps becomes an essential chapter in the narrative of setting up our new life. It’s a unique dance, one that requires patience and strategy, to sidestep the daily grind that can easily consume those precious moments meant for relaxation and connection. My experiences have taught me the significance of understanding the pulse of a city’s traffic flow. It's not just about knowing the best routes but feeling the rhythm of the area, predicting when the streets will hum quietly and when they'll roar with activity.

In my quest for our next home, I immerse myself in Google Maps, the local Traffic Report, and local forums, seeking insights that go beyond the surface. It’s like gathering pieces of a puzzle, each snippet of information helping to form a clearer picture of daily life. I've learned to ask specific questions in the local Military/Spouses group: What times are the rush hours? Are there schools or major businesses that affect traffic patterns? How do local events or weather conditions influence the flow? Each answer subtly shapes my expectations and plans, guiding me towards choices that promise a smoother transition into our new surroundings.

This evaluation isn't just about avoiding congestion; it's about reclaiming time - that most precious commodity in our ever-mobile life. It's about ensuring that when we venture out, whether for errands or explorations, we're not inadvertently sacrificing our calm on the altar of traffic snarls. For instance, my commute from Norfolk to Newport News in Virginia could extend to a three-hour journey at the end of my work day due to the congestion in the Hampton Roads Tunnel. 

By arming ourselves with this knowledge, we navigate not just the physical streets but our own paths to well-being and contentment, making each journey an opportunity for discovery rather than a battle against the clock. Indeed, the traffic maps reveal not just the routes but also help shape our daily routines and enhance our life's quality. 

Choosing Comfort in Your New Area - Feeling at Home

The quest for the perfect rental home often boils down to a single, yet profound, principle: finding comfort and solace in your new surroundings. For me, the journey to feeling truly at home involves a harmonious blend of the physical space and the emotional ambiance it fosters. It’s about walking through the door and feeling an immediate sense of peace wash over me, a gentle whisper that says, "You're exactly where you need to be."

My approach to choosing a home is deeply personal, intertwining with my desires for a space that mirrors my identity and lifestyle, I'm drawn to spaces with unique angles and unconventional layouts. It's in the details—the way natural light dances across the room, the inviting corners that beckon for a reading nook, or the kitchen that promises culinary adventures and shared meals. These elements are not just amenities; they are the silent narrators of my daily life, setting the stage for cherished moments and quiet reflections. I often gravitate towards spaces with a dash of the unusual or eclectic, spaces that whisper tales of those who dwelt here before. The past residing comfortably with the present adds a distinctive character, and it’s this blend that often feels like a home and not a house.

Equally important is the neighborhood vibe, that indefinable quality that makes you feel part of a community. I seek out places where smiles are exchanged freely, where walking or hiking trails are within and hour, where local shops have a story to tell, and where the pace of life aligns with my own rhythms. It’s in these settings that I find not just a house, but a home—a sanctuary that resonates with my spirit and offers a steady foundation amidst the whirlwind of military moves.

Finding comfort in a new area is an art form, one that requires listening intently to the whispers of your heart. It's about learning to see the potential in each space, even those that may not immediately check all the boxes. It's about recognizing the charm in imperfections, and acknowledging that these are the things that often make a place feel like a real home.


Wrapping up this journey of PCS preparations and the quest for the ideal home isn't just about ticking boxes on a checklist; it's about weaving together a tapestry of considerations that reflect both the tangible and intangible aspects of what makes a place feel truly ours. Throughout this process, I've shared my approach to evaluating cellphone service, delving into the local scene, assessing educational and recreational spaces, prioritizing safety, balancing work-life through commute considerations, and understanding traffic flows—all with the aim of securing comfort and a sense of belonging in our new locale.

Embarking on this adventure has taught me the importance of mindfulness in each step. It's not merely about the physical spaces we inhabit but about how these spaces shape our daily experiences and contribute to our overall well-being. In the end, the essence of finding the right rental home transcends the physical. It’s about creating a sanctuary that nurtures our dreams, shelters our hopes, and supports our continuous journey of growth and discovery.

As I look forward to our next move, armed with lessons learned and insights gained, I am reminded that home is more than a place—it's a feeling. A feeling of security, connection, and comfort that blooms no matter where our wandering hearts find themselves. Here's to the next chapter, to finding that perfect spot that whispers "welcome home" the moment we cross the threshold, and to the beautiful complexity of military life that keeps us resilient, adaptable, and forever hopeful.

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