How Safe Is First Trimester Surgical Abo ...

How Safe Is First Trimester Surgical Abortion- The Perfect Guide

Apr 12, 2024

A safe abortion is the right of an individual. It is a completely personal preference to have or not have an abortion. Many reasons may lead to a surgical removal of a pregnancy. They can be health concerns, societal stigmas, or individual beliefs. The main concern of all is the safety of a surgical abortion. Here, we will understand the process and safety of a first-trimester Surgical abortion.   


The first-trimester surgical abortions are safe. If medical protocols are followed thoroughly, it will ensure a safe abortion. The doctor carrying out the surgical abortion needs to be an expert in his work. A trained medical professional makes the process smooth and hassle-free. There are no long-term side effects of this procedure. It just requires a follow-up to check the overall health of a patient afterward. 


For Surgical Abortion in the first trimester, the procedure uses vacuum aspiration or Dilation and curettage(D&C).

  • Vacuum Aspiration is also known as a Suction Abortion. It uses a gentle suction for removing fetal tissue from the uterus. 

  • Dilation and curettage(D&C) involves the use of instruments for gently scraping the lining of the uterus to remove the unwanted pregnancy tissue. 

These early pregnancy procedures are safe when performed by an expert. Early abortions result in fewer complications. The size of the uterus is smaller in the first trimester making it technically easy for a doctor to carry out the procedure. 


It is rare to have complications in a first-trimester surgical abortion. In some cases, there can be bleeding. There are chances of an infection. A perforation of the uterus can happen with the mistakes of a professional. Sometimes, a bit of tissue remains in the uterus to cause incomplete abortion. There are low chances of these complications if an experienced healthcare provider is involved in the surgical process. The problems happening by any chance will be easily managed by immediate medical attention.

Getting the Information

Women must discuss the abortion procedure in detail with their healthcare provider. It is best to understand the pros and cons of having a surgical procedure in the first trimester. The Doctors must provide the relevant information about the things to expect during and after the procedure. They should inform the patient well in advance about the required tests to confirm a pregnancy and overall health. The medical professionals should provide complete guidance for a follow-up after the procedure. Safe and legal abortions are necessary to protect the health and mental well-being of a patient. Imposing any Restrictions on having a safe abortion and healthcare will force a patient towards unsafe measures of termination. Unsafe methods will cause serious health risks and severe complications. The decision to have an abortion should not conflict with external pressures. The individuals need availability of correct information that is unbiased. There should be counseling services to support the decision-making process. The choices of a woman should resonate with their values and choices. 

There is also an immediate requirement for the health service to provide ample information on safe sex, contraceptive methods, and family planning alternatives. All the efforts will avoid unwanted pregnancies in the very first place. 

Some Misconceptions

Many misconceptions can destroy the health of a patient. Wrong information can prevent the patient from reaching out to a healthcare provider for optimal guidance. It is crucial to clear the doubts and myths one has believed for a long time. 

The top misconception is about not being able to conceive after an abortion. Some believe that the First-trimester surgical Abortion can later on cause infertility and pregnancy complications. There is enough scientific evidence to prove this misconception wrong. The early surgical abortion has no long-term complications and a woman can again become pregnant after having a pregnancy terminated. 


An abortion is a personal choice. Many times it is beneficial for the health of an individual. Sometimes it is crucial for emotional health because a pregnancy caused by some sort of trauma or ignorance can badly alter a life. An individual should never make wrong and regretful decisions that may scar one’s life later on. First Trimester Surgical Abortions are safe to have. We at Orlando Women’s Center carry out all the procedures with utmost care in a confidential way. Contact us to know more. 

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