Hey I'm Vanessa Murphy👋 I just created a page here to support my Women in Confidence podcast.
Women in Confidence is a fortnightly podcast aimed at ambitious working women who want to understand what confidence is and practical ways to build confidence in support of their careers. It showcases women who have real stories to tell about their journey to finding confidence, self-belief and self-esteem.
The Women in Confidence podcast shows the audience that they are not alone and that there are lots of women out there who have similar confidence challenges. This podcast introduces a wide and beautiful range of women who have confidence stories to tell. In the interviews they will reassure people that everyone can achieve confidence and they share some tips and techniques which they applied to themselves.
The podcast needs funding to thrive due to the ongoing costs of running a podcast - host site, editing software, marketing etc. I also need to get a new Macbook as my current one is from 2010. The new one will be used solely for Women in Confidence. I also work a full time job and want to be able to reduce my days to focus on making this a weekly podcast, so I am working on getting enough donations to do this.
Please can you buy me a coffee and help share the Women in Confidence podcast!
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