À propos PatchBOTS
If you're here, you were probably just downloading files, feeling guilty, and came here looking for a way to maybe pay me back a little....here's your chance!
Hey Robot Fans! I like to give away all the work on the channel for free, but if the guilt of taking file after file is eating away at you....you can buy me a coffee! I drink way too much coffee and love every drop of it! Thanks for supporting the channel!Donateurs récents

Someone a acheté un coffee .

DIOGEL CENDAN a acheté un coffee .

Someone a acheté 5 coffees .
Thank you so much for the work you have done on this. Fantastic design and I look forward to printing and hopefully having a moving BB8 of my own.

JedRo a acheté 3 coffees .
Thanks so much for posting all this. Easier and more customizable than my more analog approach.

Someone a acheté 3 coffees .
keep up the god work!