You have to take care of all the little ...

You have to take care of all the little things yourself - or do you?!

Feb 01, 2024

It’s easy to identify the large tasks or projects that you can hand off to someone else, but what about all the really small things?

They only take a couple of minutes each (or so you think), so you may be thinking that it doesn’t make sense to delegate them – but how many of them are sitting like toads in your to-do list, taking up space in your schedule (especially because they often keep getting put off), and adding to your mental load?

Individually they may seem quite insignificant, but lump them all together and, well, it’s a lot! Instead of thinking of all those little tasks as inconsequential, look at them as a small mountain of stuff you can pass off to an assistant.

So not only have you given yourself back some time, but you’ve also reduced the number of things your brain has to remember - or the number of reminder alarms you’ll have to put up with. That’s a win-win if I’ve ever heard one!

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