I build software like a coffee machine makes coffee - and I love the process...
Hi, my name is Willy, and I develop apps and open source libraries.
Translatr - language translator for Windows.
Sharp64 - Base64 encoder/decoder for Windows.
Recordr (Premium) - cute, lightweight app that lets you record your screen and save recordings in high-quality MP4 format.
DeskJS - beautiful console-like utility designed to help programmers execute and test JavaScript statements.
Browser Refresh - powerful utility designed to improve web designers' and developers' workflow by switching between their code-editing tool(s) and browsers (while also refreshing) from anywhere with one keystroke. It supports Google Chrome, Chrome Canary, Firefox, Firefox Developer Edition, IE, Opera, Yandex, Blisk, and Vivaldi.
Kickstart Programming - application that assists beginner students learn programming using JavaScript.
TrialMaker - provides secure free-trial and premium license generation of apps, utilities, and enterprise-ready applications.
SharpClipboard - lets you anonymously monitor clipboard entries.
BetterFolderBrowser - delivers a better folder-browsing and selection experience for .NET applications.
FontsInstaller - checks and installs unavailable fonts required by an application on any client machine.
BootMeUp - provides automatic startup for applications at system-boot while providing additional startup management options.
HotkeyListener - allows registering system-wide hotkeys that can be used to trigger features in .NET applications while also providing support for enabling standard Windows and User controls to select hotkeys at runtime.
There's more coming!
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