Our First Project(s)

Our First Project(s)

Mar 07, 2021

I am launching this page, but...where are the adventures?!

Fantastic question. Right now, the first adventure in a planned campaign, titled Adventures in Babysitting, is 99% done being formatted. (I use Affinity Publisher.) Once that's done, it will need to wait on Pickpocket Press to formally launch their game, Lowlife 2090. My first module is going to be compatible with and based on the Lowlife 2090 game system, and I can't release it until they've formally published their game with their Open Game License.

The OGL is very important as that is what allows me to create these things and offer them to you.

Currently, the ETA for the game to be published (and therefore the OGL to be available to us) is actually April 2021. So, we're close. Once the OGL is live, I'll need to scrub through and make sure nothing in there violates the license, and then we can post it for sale, here.

Note that the PDF will be available for sale. I haven't yet determined a price, yet, but members will definitely be getting a discount. So, be on the lookout for that!

In the meantime, here is an example of the art that I will be putting in the book:

If we get enough members here, I will eventually be able to start commissioning professional artists to create the art for these books.

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