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Kerry Kavanaugh hat ein coffee gekauft.
Houdini was also my great uncle by marriage to Bess. Is this series on DVD?
Hi Kerry. Wow, that is fantastic. If you care to share more about your Houdini family connection, I can be reached at WILD ABOUT HARRY is not a series. It's a blog ( But I will be releasing a series of books beginning early next year. Thanks for the coffee!

Bess Houdini was my grandmothers sister. My grandfather (my mothers father) used to help build many of his trick magic cabinets he used in his his performances. My mother told us that as a child, the water torture chamber was stored in the basement of the house/apartment building where she lived, and she and her brother (my uncle) use to play in it. When I was in high school in the mid 70s, my grandparents use to have lots of Houdini's books and magic tricks, so when ever I would go over to visit them in New York city, I would play with the items.Kerry