#91 Taxes in Georgia

#91 Taxes in Georgia

Sep 26, 2023

Georgia is becoming more and more attractive for the BPO and IT industries. This European country since few years is growing and becomes a home for many companies from US and Western Europe.

But how do taxes look like in this Country?

Well, to find the answer to this question, I have invited Ketevani Aghoshashvili – Partner at IBCCS Georgia LLC, who knows everything about Georgian taxes.

Grab a coffee and listen to the 91st episode of Good Morning BSS World podcast and you will know all you need to know about taxes in Georgia




IBCCS.tax web page - https://ibccs.tax/

IBCCS.tax on LInkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/company/ibccstax/



My name is Wiktor Doktór and on daily basis I run Pro Progressio Club https://klub.proprogressio.pl - it's a community of many private companies and public sector organizations that care about the development of business relations in the B2B model. In the Good Morning BSS World podcast, apart from solo episodes, I share interviews with experts and specialists from global BPO/GBS industry.

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