Hey 👋 I am a podcaster sharing various information and useful data concerning Business Support Services industry. I analyze reports, run interviews and share my comments about hits and tips from outsourcing and shared services businesses.
If you like my work and want to appreciate it, You can now buy me a coffee!
My podcasts are here:
In English - https://www.spreaker.com/show/good-morning-bss-world
In Polish - https://www.spreaker.com/show/bss-bez-tajemnic
Enjoy listening and big thanks for your coffee!
Recent supporters

Eliza bought 5 coffees.

Adam bought 5 coffees.
Business Coffee Support

donani bought 3 coffees.

Michael Pruchniewski bought 5 coffees.
Wiktor, I'm really enjoying the content in these podcasts and wish I knew about the BSS Forum in June! Looking forward to listening to more and attending next year.