Hereby I have for you another episode recorded in partnership with IT Ukraine Association. Today we talk about the Ukrainian EdTech industry and my special guest is Nataliya Limonova.
Nataliya is involved in many business and educational activities and holds many positions including:
- Founder & CEO of the math platform GIOS
- Chairman of the Board of the EdTech Ukraine Association
- Co-founder of the NGO "Digital Future of Education”
We are starting our talk with exploring the Ukrainian IT ecosystem and its partnerships. Later we discuss the GIOS project's expansion, user growth, and team dynamics, emphasizing its impact on the education sector.
The conversation delves into the digital future of education through the lens of EdTech Ukraine Association, providing insights into the Ukrainian EdTech market. The episode highlights efforts to encourage startups and increase women's participation in IT. The discussion wraps up with a summary of key points, offering a comprehensive view of the evolving landscape in Ukraine's EdTech industry.
Key points of the podcast:
- The Ukrainian IT sector is rapidly advancing with significant strides in cybersecurity, mobile connectivity, and digital reporting platforms.
- GIOS is an innovative educational platform created to engage school children in learning math through interactive, gamified lessons, particularly beneficial during crises like COVID-19 and the ongoing war in Ukraine.
- The EdTech Ukraine Association aims to unite educational and technological companies to modernize the educational system, promoting education and increasing the involvement of women in these fields.
Nataliya Limonova on Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/nataliya-limonova/
GIOS (Global Innovative Online School) - https://gioschool.com/
GIOS (Global Innovative Online School) on Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/company/gios-global-innovative-online-school
Digital Future of Education - https://dfe.org.ua/
Talk to AI about this podcast - https://gmbw.onpodcastai.com/episodes/RUgdDEohieN/chat
My name is Wiktor Doktór and on daily basis I run Pro Progressio Club https://klub.proprogressio.pl - it's a community of many private companies and public sector organizations that care about the development of business relations in the B2B model. In the Good Morning BSS World podcast, apart from solo episodes, I share interviews with experts and specialists from global BPO/GBS industry.
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