Where did it start?

May 29, 2023

Whole Health began as Mindfulness Merseyside back in 2015, founded by myself, a community educator and Buddhist practitioner, and Debbie Cross, a counsellor and qualified mindfulness teacher. We were joined later by Jacqui Woods, a senior nurse educator and Fresh Air Fridays facilitator.

Incorporated in 2016 as Mind Body Matters CIC - a Community Interest Company - Mindfulness Merseyside saw in the region of 4000 people attend a range of classes, courses and workshops to experience the benefits of mindfulness for themselves. For many, it was life-changing.


Unfortunately, due to the restrictions during the pandemic, in 2020 Mindfulness Merseyside ceased trading and closed it's doors, although a presence was maintained online to offer some support.

A lot has happened since then. I gave up my home in Liverpool, and most of my belongings, and put my trust in something greater. I travelled the country staying with friends, and people I met, who needed some help in return for a roof over my head.

I've since returned to Lancaster, where I lived a while ago, to catch my breath. And, having conceived Whole Health before I left Liverpool, I decided it was time to tend to that and nurture it.

If you'd like to join me on this exciting journey and help me grow Whole Health to address the very real needs of people and the communities where they live and work, I'd be glad to have you along and immensely grateful for your support.

Please check out the wishlist of things I need and the Membership options or buy me a bite to eat, if you can. Thank you so much!

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