How to watch my Comic + Drama CDs:
1. You need to create an account in buymeacoffee so i can direct message you.
2. You need to join one of my membership, base on your favorite.
3. After you join, i will direct message you. You may need to answer some questions. More infomations, please read Important Note
4. If everything is okay. I will send you an invitiation to access my work.If not, no worry i will refund you.
Update on 2024:
Hi everyone, from last year i already finished my college and started working with my 9:5 job. I dont really have time to make new Manga Drama CD or upload new CD.
By joining our buymeacoffe/ patreon, you can still access 100+ series. But i apologize that there arent many new series coming.
My website does not/ will not have any annoying ads, and running a streaming site costs a lot. By becoming a member, you are helping me maintain it. Thank you very much.