Happy New Year

Feb 03, 2024

This is a little late but January is just a practice month right?

If you are reading this via email it’s because at some point you donated to my buy me a coffee page, if you want to stop reading now feel free haha.

I just wanted to wish all of you a very happy 2024, it seems that the world is still in the throes of chaos and uncertainty but yet here we all are.

For those who have moved on from Twitter (now X but I refuse to call it that) I hope you are well and safe. I am definitely there less but have not really settled on any other social media. I am still on Instagram and “sort of” on Threads. I never really took to Bluesky despite it looking promising at the start. I miss the old days of NZ Twitter and secret Santa’s and the feeling it was actually a community.

I miss a lot of you who have moved on and who I rarely communicate with these days ( so HI! )

Work wise I am still full time at MOTAT and was up until Dec working Fridays at a preschool (my MOTAT week is Sunday-Thursday) That extra day at the preschool was key to my being able to cover all my bills other than rent and gas. Sadly it seems that they have quietly dropped me as I was only a casual reliever despite being there very consistently for nearly 2 years.
Any acting opportunities have pretty much been put to the side as my availability is key to getting offered parts/days on set and I am obviously not available most of the time. Yet another loss.

This leads me to my main reason for posting which is yet again another THANK YOU post, I am so grateful for every single one of you who has seen fit to help me when you really didn’t have to. You are good people and may you all be blessed tenfold.

I will endeavour to keep on going on and hopefully 2024 will see some positive changes for all of us.

Wendy ( and Peanut who says thank you for the chicken sticks)

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