I Hope You Have the Courage to Evolve! ( ...

I Hope You Have the Courage to Evolve! (Centering Thought)

Mar 05, 2022

Are you so afraid of failure that you give up before you even start?

When I exchange the word "failing" with "learning", it was a monumental shift for me and my business. As a creative, there are times when I am operating in peak creativity and I have an abundance of ideas. How do you choose your starting place? In my journey, I chose the safest, practical, familiar route. Nothing is wrong with starting with safe, practical, and familiar but like Forrest Gump's mother said "life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get.". You can have the "perfect" plan and still have to pivot or adjust at some point on your journey.

In this video, I share about my journey as an entrepreneur and how I've evolved from my starting place. I've tried different strategies. I've changed my offers. For a time, I felt like The Wellness Champion wasn't going to be successful, but I learned to embrace the lessons and tune in to my body. Some of the offers were physically and mentally draining. I would ignore it and try to make it work. Then I would get burned out and lose all passion for my business. I had to ask myself, "Does it HAVE to be this way?". Short answer, no, but you have to be ready to release what is no longer serving you and embrace the lesson from the experience.

My point is, your starting place is simply that, a starting place. You aren't meant to start and stay there indefinitely. You don't have to be perfect. You don't have to get it right 100% of the time. So when you are figuring things out, remind yourself that:

You aren't failing.

You're learning.

Allow yourself to evolve!

The content for the Wellness Lounge this month will be focused on appreciating the lessons that we've learned along the way. Click here to join!

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