October/November mashup update

October/November mashup update

Nov 15, 2021

Hello! The end of October, I had literally the exact same thing to say as I had the previous two months: blogging 3x/week, newsletter 1x/week, four new podcast episodes. I am steady and reliable on those three pieces.

So far, half way through November, that update is the same, though only two of this month's episodes are live so far. The other two are in the queue and ready to come to you tomorrow and Wednesday.

Also this month, I'm launching 100 Days of Art. It's a fun project where I will share with subscribers one new piece of visual art every day for 100 days. That begins on Sunday, November 21 and ends on February 28. I invite subscribers to join in with their own 100 days project at the same time (and send them to me, if desired!).

I have some changes for the better coming to Ordinary Chaos in January, and I have another podcast, Heat's on a Tangent, coming ... soon. No launch date set yet, but I am shooting for some time in December.

So much going on! Thank you for your support!

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