About Barb WB2CBA
Designing DIY QRP Amateur Transceivers

I like to design amateur radio qrp transceivers and share with ham radio community. Here are links for my designs.
My github page: https://github.com/WB2CBA
My qrz.com page:
Recent supporters

micman1946 bought 5 coffees.
Thanks again for your gift Barb. After an extremely long recovery from my hospital journey in april 2024, i'm only starting now to build your litle QRP Transceiver. Remember Barb: you send me 3 populated kits. From april 2024 until now i can't do anything in electronics, i was to weak.
But now forces are coming back to me, and i'm looking straightforward to finish this project.
I will let you know when it works. Next think to do is the programming of the 328p.
Today i wish to buy you some coffee.
Have a nice weeked Barb.

Adrian bought 3 coffees.

Charley W5BAA bought 5 coffees.

Someone bought 3 coffees.