Cops, Coffee and Creativity

Cops, Coffee and Creativity

Jul 13, 2022

Thank you for checking out the On The Blue Line with Wayne Mulder, Buy me a Coffee page. Depending on how you found this site, if you have not seen the work of On The Blue Line, I encourage you to start there. Please see the most recent Blog Post at or Podcast at

I found the Buy Me a Coffee company through a friend and really liked the concept. Unlike other crowd funding or business support sites, this one is straight forward and allows for very small donations that of course can add up over time. As many of you know there are no shortage of costs to put content out on a regular basis, besides the largest cost of time, there are monthly fees for almost every program that is used to create, store and disseminate content.

If you are enjoying the content of On The Blue Line, I would appreciate the support by telling others. Increasing traffic to the website, social media, and other applications is the best way to get the word out. The content of On The Blue Line is meant to Empower Law Enforcement in their personal lives and educate the public on the realities of law enforcement. At this time, this is accomplished through the blog and podcast, as well as public speaking. This is only the beginning and more is in the works. This mission is not possible without help from people like you. Thank you for telling others about the site and if you would like to financially donate to the mission please do so through Buy Me a Coffee. You have no idea how much the support means to us.

You can be assured that these donations are helping further the mission of On The Blue Line, create new content, and yes, buy coffee. We all know the best content comes late at night with copious amounts of caffeine 😎.

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