When The Struggle Is Real, You Are Never ...

When The Struggle Is Real, You Are Never Alone.

Jul 19, 2021

Some of the most comforting words in the universe are "Me Too"..

So many of us struggle in one way or another... Know you are never alone.

Some of us struggle in silence, afraid of judgement, feeling ashamed of our emotions and how we feel because we have been conditioned with beliefs like "real men don't cry" or " women shouldn't express anger", or "no-one cares about your problems or feelings" leaving us screaming on the inside and smiling on the outside while we wear masks and pretend we are ok, whilst we struggle alone with our innermost thoughts or the emotional pain from our deepest darkest experiences or trauma. What I want to say to you is this... It's ok to feel. It's ok to allow your emotions to flow through you. Your emotions are your magic, your connection to what is real and the most purest aspect of yourself. The ability to feel is what sparks our inspiration, what tells us when we are in alignment and when we are out of alignment. The waves come and go and it shows us we are alive. Allow yourself to express yourself in pure vulnerability and rawness and you will find that your courage will inspire others who are also afraid of letting go and surrendering. When you feel like you can't, it's important to find a way to let it out of your system in some form whether through movement, creativity or writing or what helps you release the emotional pressure in a healthy way. Your feelings are valid and it's ok to be heard. You are never alone and I feel your struggle deeply as I too struggle with my emotions..

Some of us are afraid of expressing ourselves authentically out of fear of being different or labelled because we live in a society that shames us for thinking outside the box when we go against what is expected. To the awakened individuals who see the world differently and see the truth in the world, I see you and salute you for speaking up and having the courage to share the truth despite the constant censorship and attempts of being silenced for sharing your voice.

It's time to stop being afraid. Time to dig deep within and discover what is in alignment with your own heart and speak your own truth. Its time to find your voice and spread your message of authenticity. Its time to stop feeling afraid, because in your sovereign right, you have the right to be heard, and you have the right to fight for your freedom... You are never alone and there is always someone who has your back and supports you.. Always.

Many struggle with their mind or mental illnesses, with disabilities and handicaps, chronic pain or illnesses that affect us on a daily basis. Your courage to continue pushing through your challenges is inspiring, in the face of deep, uncertain realities. You are a warrior with great strength to deal with life the way you do. That inspires me.. And your courage to keep pushing through these challenges is what inspires others to see life through your own eyes...

Some are fighting for their life dealing with life threatening diseases, the aftermath of a serious accident or medical circumstances leaving us holding on by a thread for dear life, while others are struggling with suicidal thoughts and their own inner pain as they struggle to find a will to live. Know that while the road may seem dark and uncertain, there is always light at the end of the tunnel and now it the time to fight even harder and reach out when you feel you need extra support when you feel you are struggling to push through the darkness. You are never alone. You are stronger than you realise. This is what makes you a true warrior when you can overcome even these most challenging moments. Keep pushing through and know there is always someone out there pulling for you or sending you their support and love.

Some of us are under constant physical, mental or emotional stress and struggling with the pressures of life. Some are struggling with the loss of a job or financial hardship. Some are struggling with knock back after knock back of job interviews, wondering if they will ever find work, while others feel afraid to put themselves out there with their businesses struggling to make money in moments of drought, economy crashes, or competing businesses as you struggle to find where you fit into the world. Know that these moments are only ever temporary and that in order for us to survive, we need to think outside the box, dig deep and know it's ok to ask for help. Look for things that make you feel happy as energy flows where energy goes.

To the single parents who are trying to work 3 jobs to feed their kids and keep a roof over their head. I salute you. Sometimes in our own selfishness we forget that there are people out there who are struggling to keep it together for those who are dependent on them. To the people who can't afford fancy clothes because they earn a below minimum wage trying to make ends meet so they can afford to send their kids to school or put food on the table. To those who give without the expectation of receiving anything in return, who offer their time volunteering to help someone else in need. To the person who works their ass off with no appreciation yet still shows up and gives 110% despite never feeling valued for their efforts. To the person who struggles to find enough money to afford a feed, or goes hungry because there's nothing left in the cupboard. Your struggles are real and with kindness towards each other, we can inspire change and find ways to give and share and show compassion with each other.

There are those of us struggling with gambling addiction, or spending habits that are so out of control that we later struggle with so much debt. Money comes and goes, what is important is knowing that you are never alone and there is someone out there struggling with this too and when we find the connection within ourselves, we open ourselves up to be fulfilled in other ways.

There are those of us struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, struggling with peer pressure or escaping ourselves by numbing our pain. Know that you are never alone. For those trying to get clean and stay sober who struggle with the temptation and trying to keep it together with withdrawals and triggers, know there are people out there who have stood in your shoes, and there is always someone out there willing to listen, support or help you recover when you need help. You are never alone in your suffering.

In the current times since 2020 pandemic, there has been so much uncertainty in the future, and many of us are struggling with having hope that there is something better on the horizon with lockdowns and social isolation and feeling forced into situations that make us uncomfortable. Know that you are never alone. With these experiences, we discover our own truths, we learn to fight for our own right, and we rediscover old passions for creative pursuits that got put on the back burner because we got "too busy" working or doing other things that didn't spark joy. Some of us have connected deeper with our families, others have suffered being shut away in domestic violence households with no way of escaping or getting away. Lockdown has affected us all in our own unique way, while some it hasn't affected much at all. Know that however these situations have made you feel, it's ok. Know that even though we may feel uncertain about the future, our power lies in the present moment where we can create and manifest whatever we truly desire. The power lies in your own mind and how you choose to see it.

Some may be dealing with neglect or domestic violence, feeling alone or isolated, homeless or struggling with dysfunctional family relationships. Know that there is always someone who is willing to listen or help, and that you are never alone. In these moments of deep, dark and troubling times, you develop inner strength and become a survivor. There is always a way out, and sometimes we just need to find the courage to speak up and reach out for help. You are never alone.

Some are dealing with tragedy or the death of someone close. The pain of loss is deep. While we suffer in the grief and pain of loss, riding the waves of deep depression, know that you are never alone. You are supported in times of deep suffering and it is the memories you hold close to your heart that will get you through these tough times. Cherish the memories and they will live on in your mind. While our body leaves this Earth, our soul never dies. In your pain and sorrow, know you are supported by those around you and that you are never alone..

In all of your moments of struggle, know there is someone out there experiencing or has already overcome what you are going through, making the road feel less lonely. In these moments offering you encouragement and support knowing that you are never truly alone and there is someone out there who can help you in these moments of confusion, upheaval and struggle. Know there is someone out there who cares, who desires to help guide you, or support you when you feel you can no longer keep it all together.

It's time to open up and relate to each other. Recognise ourselves as warriors who have overcome and grown, conquered and held on when we felt there was not much hope left. Your strength, your determination, your courage to show up for yourself when you felt all hope was gone is what makes you unstoppable and indestructible in the face of hardship. This is what makes us empowered, when we can learn, grow and overcome in the midst of chaos.

This message is to the way showers, the rebels, the people who are tired of being silenced and ashamed for being themselves, the people who are sensitive and emotionally vulnerable and are tired of feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders, those who give a fuck and want to scream out and express themselves to speak their truth and pave the way for others, the people who desire the freedom to be themselves, the authentic and real people who shine their light and those who are struggling and are trying to find the courage and confidence to put themselves out there, to the people who have lost everything and still find something to be grateful for, the people who cry behind closed doors and still find compassion to help someone else who is struggling, the people who have endured so much trauma and use their experiences to help others in the same situations. Those who struggle with addiction, abuse or trauma who are still here and trying their best to cope with life. Those who struggle as a single parent, endure health problems daily, struggle with money, work, relationships, or struggle on a day to day basis feeling alone and isolated.

Each and every one of you are amazing, unique, bright sparks of creation, all here for a reason. Know you are never alone and there is always someone out there who can relate, understand and help support and guide you on your journey.

May we all find comfort knowing that we are never truly alone. I see you. I hear you. I feel you. It is by acknowledging our struggles that we can show up in the world and help others who too may be struggling. We all have our own unique experiences, it is what we do with our experiences to help others, is what truely matters.

It's time to connect, be authentic and share our experiences so we can inspire others to do the same as we connect and relate to each other in a truly deep, authentic and real way. No bullshit, no masks, just open and honest expression of who we are, without the shame or fear of shining our light and being ourselves. Life is a journey, it's how we show up that makes a difference.

Channeled by Johanna Watt
March 2021

Copyright Watt Unifies Me 2021

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