Discrimination & The Part We Play In Uni ...

Discrimination & The Part We Play In Unifying Our World

Oct 29, 2021

Human behaviour is one thing that truly fascinates me. Having studied NLP since 2016, understanding the unconscious mind and studying human behaviour & “how” we do what we do, has always gotten me curious with the thinking patterns behind social conditioning and social labels and why some people are labelled “sheep”. So here I am, processing and analysing and observing actual sheep on our family farm as part of an experiment to understand why we have created this “label” in society and to bring awareness to the topic of discrimination.

Having grown up on a farm with sheep a majority of my life, I find this correlation an interesting concept as a majority of animals per say, travel in packs or mobs for protection as does a school of fish as another example. What I find interesting however, as something I’ve observed a lot recently is you will still find the “odd” sheep in the sheep yards that still wants to do its own thing and will be stubborn and rebel against what the rest are doing when under pressure to conform to what the farmer is trying to do. You will also find at times a ewe will stamp her feet and charge at any threat against her lamb, as will an alpaca who will spit or attack and kill any threat to the mob of sheep. Another interesting observation I have also made is the older lambs who are soon to be weaned (and you would think of as the teenage phase) are the most rebellious and will actually rebel against the rest of the mob and take the rest of the mob with them, making them hard to muster.

The mere label of “sheep” or “sheeples” that people use as a derogatory form of labelling people who don’t think for themselves, I now find amusing because it’s not really 100% accurate if you haven’t observed sheep really at all. If anything is made me realise its just another way of creating “separation” and it is actually just our ego placing us above another when really it’s just an unconscious program running where we have polarised our thinking separating good from bad, right from wrong and so on, creating judgement and victim/persecutor programming in our mentality. This also applies to people who are on the other side of the fence labelling free thinking people as “conspiracy theorists” or “anti-vaxrs” because they have a different opinion and belief to you in this current reality. I’ll be honest, I’ve ignorantly played this part in labelling people and if anything it’s now made me understand from both sides of the fence as I reflect on myself once being blissfully unaware too of the control structures and horrific things happening behind the curtain thats not shown in the mainstream media because of censorship. Sometimes I reflect thinking maybe it would be less painful or I would feel less emotionally triggered by what these powers that be do to us as humanity but I have chosen to be aware of my divinity and stand in sovereign free will and stand in my mission to unify people together again and bring awareness to the unconscious programs that we are all running on autopilot.

As humanity need to do better. We need to stop placing each other in boxes using all sorts of derogatory discriminative labels, segregating against each other regardless of what side of the fence we are on and we need to come back together as ONE. It is our egos that separate us and it is time to STOP.

Something I find interesting is that as humans or any living creature on Earth our main aim is to survive and flourish. The reason in my own perspective why we travel in groups is because we thrive off social interaction. We need connection, community, interaction, support, love and nurture as it is vital for our growth and survival as a species. So when we feel outcast or no longer apart of the group, we release Serotonin and Cortisol that biochemically puts us into a mental and emotional state making us feel depressed, moody, lonely, suicidal, stressed and unhappy, so it is natural for us to seek safety and acceptance by those around us and fall into people pleasing behaviours because connecting with others is important for our development, survival and wellbeing. I find it devastating that in these current times since we have experienced gruelling lockdowns that many sadly have committed suicide because of the lack of human contact and interaction that we so thrive on. Many have lost our rights of free choice, some have lost their homes and businesses because of financial hardship, been discriminated against by our employers and governments because of our right to choose what is right for our own health leaving us unemployed, un-included from being able to enjoy the other activities and services others so happily enjoy. Children are struggling more than ever with an alarmingly high statistic of children self harming and attempting suicide because they are in the critical socialisation period of their lives and they have been isolated from their friends. This is tragic and we need to do something about this as our mental and emotional health has been declining with the trauma we have faced these last couple of years.

People are struggling feeling outcast or discriminated on BOTH sides of the fence with the current medical apartheid happening in our world. But this isn’t the first time. This has happened for centuries with race, sexuality, culture, beliefs, religion, age, gender and so on. We don't understand the affects of this until we are separated and outcast from society and unless it affects you, you have no idea how this feels and you don't care. Some have experienced this for a LONG time and others are only newly becoming aware of this and understanding what it's like being on the other side of the fence and no longer equally included in society.

So let us become aware shall we of how we have been separated as a society over the years. Our indigenous cultures have experienced assimilation and lost a lot of their culture with the stolen generations all over the world, people have killed each other based on religion or divided on their religious beliefs, women have been burnt at the stake as a witch, healer or free thinking woman, people have lost their freedoms or their right to vote or have a voice throughout the ages because of their colour or gender, people have been persecuted for their beliefs and been labelled “conspiracy theorists” to make them seem crazy for their own perspectives, people have been judged based on the colour of their skin, people have been discriminated against by not being allowed to get married because they are homosexual, people have been discriminated against because of their social class whether that be lower class, working class, middle class, upper class and so on, people have been treated differently because of where they grew up or lived. People are judged based on their life choices, employment status or behaviour in society that we deem wrong and immoral.

It’s time to question why we are following these rules and why we creating these boxes that are separating us as humanity and wake up to what part we are playing in dividing our world. It’s time to become aware of your own thoughts against another and what ways you participate in dividing our world whether that be purposely leaving someone out because they are different to you, persecuting someone because they have a different belief system or opinion to you, refusing service to someone because they don't meet the criteria, rejecting or judging someone because of the colour of their skin, their job or lack of employment, their own life choices, their sexual preference, their beliefs, their religion or culture and so on.

If each of us WOKE UP to what we are doing, and started treating each other equally, respecting each other and celebrating each other for our differences and uniqueness, and understanding that we are all doing our best and we are all unique divine sparks of creation, the world would be a different place. We are the change, and in order for us to change the world, we have to BE the change.

Feel free to share or like if this resonates and comment on what way are you going to take part in changing the world to become a better place?

#bethechange #unity #stopdiscrimination #weareone #change #behaviour #mindset #thinking #humanity #change #togetherasone #mythoughts #thoughts

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