Hello! I just started this page. It would be great if you are willing and you are able to, please support my efforts to spread the buzz people get from playing music together!
A “coffee” here and there would really help to cover the overheads and expenditures (not to mention the time it takes) in creating the free videos, resources, lessons, transcriptions and articles that PlayableGuitar.com has been providing to students, parents and schools from many different countries over the past ten years.
So, in advance I say Thanks! Efcharistó! Gracias! Danke! Arigato! Grazie! Merci! Bedankt! Kiitos! Todah raba! Bahut shukriya! Děkuji! Obrigado! Dyakuyu!
Happy Playing!
Recent supporters

Douglas Niedt bought 10 coffees.
Thank you for your very informative website. I especially like the information you provide on teaching children. Well done!