#warcoffee talks about something. Shelte ...

#warcoffee talks about something. Shelters

Feb 17, 2023


I decided to write you about shelters as every day I get the same question:

- Whether I go to the shelter?

Now I don't. It might not sound good, I know.

But let's go back to the first days of our big war.

It's wonderful that I have a war book diary. I even keep the links to some of my tweets there. The first tweet I found mentioned the shelter I made on Feb 25, 2022 at 8:38 am.

In a bombshell, Osokorky metro station. #Kyiv. There're signals to hide. The missiles are moving towards the capital.

The link to this tweet is here. Bild

I remember in detail that we took some snacks, water, and documents and went to the metro station. We (I and Son, at that time, we didn't have our Victory - cat) were not there for a long time. But in a few hours, we went to the metro station again.

11:43 am #Kyiv Going to bombshell once again. 

And there's a sun in the sky.

The link to this tweet is here.


Maybe something has changed after this tweet

It's 6:38 pm.

New air alert in #Kyiv. I'm tired to hide. Made a coffee & tell myself: "Go to hell, people who decided to invade my country". I want to stay in my place! I want to sleep in my bed! I want to see my mom smiling but not crying!

I am Ukrainian!

or this one

02:28 am in #Kyiv. At home. Dirty as from hell. In this bombshell (actually, it's a parking) cold & dusty. But it's ok, I'm not a princess.

We've met a lot of cool people. Even laughed. Everyone is so tired.

Now I feel very indifferent. Exhausted.

It seems to me that it was the last time we went to the shelter.

I've been thinking about it a lot. In my before-war imagination, shelters were the only places people could stay during the wars. We have seen the war only on our screens or in books. But in reality, you cannot go to the shelter whenever you hear the alerts. In this case, it is much better to live in the shelter. Because air raid alerts might happen anytime. So I talked with Vlad (Son), and we agreed to stay home during alerts.

There is one exception. If everything is bombed heavily... But I'm not sure any shelter will help us in this case.

We need a picture. From the past. Take a look. I took it on February 28. It's a message to the russian soldier (written in russian for him to understand):

russian soldier, go f... yourself! Bild
Ok, let's continue with shelters. We don't have special bomb shelters. Our shelters are metro stations, underground parking lots, and basements. The safest ones are metro stations. The most dangerous (In my opinion) are basements. The people might be buried in the basement if missiles hit the house.

I don't know if there are a lot of people who still go to the shelters. Some go. But we are asked to go to the shelter during air raid alerts every time. The city app cries about it, Telegram channels, alarms in the shops, cinemas, gas stations... everywhere.

The siren? At first, we heard it. Now we have so many 'please, go to the shelter' cries that we're deaf to the siren. I even don't know whether we still have it in Kyiv. We should. It's a war.

So. Now you know (maybe again) that I don't go to the shelters. I might have tons of reasons for it. I might be wrong. Or right. Or dead. Or pretty alive.

Thank you for caring. I see it. I feel it.

We will win this war. I want to see the victory from my window. As I see this war.

The picture is from Feb 24, 2022, 7:59 am. Bild

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Kaufe Yaroslava einen warcoffee

19 Kommentare
Anne (@annetonie)
Mar 17, 2023
Thank you for sending me this link just now. While I am concerned for your safety (and Vlad's, and Victory's, your mom's), I can understand you not wanting to go to the shelter anymore. Maybe it is a way to control some part of your life, while the orcs try to control all Ukrainians' lives. Maybe it is just a big f*** you (sorry) towards the invaders. It is your choice and I totally respect that.Not sure what I would do, I hope I never have to find out.Please be safe, all of you 💙💛
Susan Parr
Mar 16, 2023
Roberta UK
Mar 14, 2023
You are brave, brave, brave beyond words. I don't know what I would do, I haven't had to experience the terror of everyday like you. Although I can understand not wanting to live like a mole as I like to see the sky every day. I pray you, Vlad, your Mum and Victory are all safe at the end of the war. When it ends, and it will, and I pray SOON, we will all dance in the streets to celebrate together....... Yaroslava and the war coffee tribe 😍
Mar 02, 2023
I can’t say I’m not concerned that you don’t go to a shelter because I am. I understand why you feel the way you do about it but I send thoughts into the universe every day (my way of praying) that you, Vlad and Victory are safe. 
Feb 20, 2023
Yara, it's interesting to see the comments under the Tweets from that time and your responses. Even the article in the Winnipeg newspaper provides details from that time. Although much is the same, I also see an evolution which can only happen through a year of war and all these other things you've gone through. We're with you and sliding Ukraine as best as we can until victory is complete. 
Feb 19, 2023
Ty for continuing to share.  I would like to send you something I bought at a crafter’s marketplace.  I thought of you when I saw it.  Is there a way you can send me a post address? 
Jennifer Carpenter
Feb 18, 2023
Dear Yaroslava, I’m thankful for another day that you are safe and alive. I can’t even imagine what it is like to have so many interruptions to your life and have to keep running back and forth to shelters. I support you doing whatever it is that you feel you need to do to take care of you, to feel grounded, safe, rested and the healthiest you can possibly be under these circumstances. Thank you for sharing this with us, you are so brave and strong, getting up each day and having to make so many difficult choices. I have no doubt that you will win, Ukraine will win and you have many friends all over the world standing with you 🇺🇦💙💪💛 Sending love, support and many hugs 🤗❤️
Feb 18, 2023
I totally understand why you don't go to a shelter every time there's a siren. I understand the need to live as normal as possible and not let the russians spoil every day and every activity you try to do. I understand the need to be defiant in the face of such evil.
Feb 18, 2023
You have found your way that is right for you. You are exemplify the spirit of Ukraine.. strong determined free defiant we are with you thank you for sharing it's important for the world to see.... Slava Ukraini 💙💛
Feb 18, 2023
you’re not wrong.  you are doing what you need to do as you live in this war.  who are we to say what is right or wrong?  i only support you.  never judge.  i’m crying again at the thought of that day.  we watched in horror as it came true.  and i say to them go fuck yourself everyday.  doesn’t help, but needs to be said.  thank you for sharing 💙💛

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