If you would like to support the development continuously you can subscribe! If there are subscribers here, I will give them exclusive screenshots and other insights to the development as posts.
After first payment: Closed beta invitation (check https://walkscape.app for when the next wave is)
After first payment: Exclusive in-game title for supporting us before the full release
While member: Exclusive icon and profile color in WalkScape Portal and in the game based on your membership tier
While member: Exclusive Discord role
While member: Access to exclusive Discord channel with extra sneak peeks and conversations with the devs
Support us on a monthly basis
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Serious Walker
Includes discord benefits
If you would like to support even more, you can become a serious supporter. Rewards are same as in the lower tier (but you will have a more special Discord role), so it's only meant for those who are willing to give more support.
After first payment: Closed beta invitation (check https://walkscape.app for when the next wave is)
After first payment: Exclusive in-game title for supporting us before the full release
While member: Exclusive icon and profile color in WalkScape Portal and in the game based on your membership tier
While member: Exclusive Discord role
While member: Access to exclusive Discord channel with extra sneak peeks and conversations with the devs
Support us on a monthly basis
See more
Super Serious Walker
Includes discord benefits
If you would like to give super generous support, you can become a super serious supporter! Rewards are same as in the lower tier (but you will have a more special Discord role), so it's only meant for those who are willing to give more support.
After first payment: Closed beta invitation (check https://walkscape.app for when the next wave is)
After first payment: Exclusive in-game title for supporting us before the full release
While member: Exclusive icon and profile color in WalkScape Portal and in the game based on your membership tier
While member: Exclusive Discord role
While member: Access to exclusive Discord channel with extra sneak peeks and conversations with the devs