Warning - This episode contains graphic descriptions of injuries sustained in a serious car crash.
Of all the interviews I have conducted with incredible guests for Walking On Air, this is by far the most inspirational and emotional. It was such a privilege to speak to Simon Clark, who recently qualified as a British Nordic Walking Instructor. In 2019, Simon was involved in a horrific car accident and sustained multiple injuries to his body and his brain. Thanks to the Great Western Air Ambulance Team, who performed extensive and complex life saving surgery at the scene , Simon is here to talk to us today. He was fortunate to meet two former guests on Walking On Air: Melissa Domaille was one of the physios in his rehab team, and she introduced him to Nordic Walking, before referring him on to Steve Ellis, who has helped Simon get back into the mountains. Simon describes Nordic Walking as ‘a gamechanger’ in his recovery progress and he has kindly agreed to speak about his experiences today, in the hope that it will inspire others, firstly, to push themselves to defy the odds and secondly, to consider donating to the Great Western Air Ambulance Team.
To Donate, please visit the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity.
To listen to episodes referenced in this interview:
Altitude, Adventure & Nordic Walking Expeditions with Steve Ellis
Behind the Scenes of Walking On Air with Mary Tweed & Steve Ellis
Find An Instructor Near You
I'm Mary Tweed, a British Nordic Walking instructor with Nordic Walking East Anglia. If you wish to share your story, do get in touch by emailing [email protected]
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