Nordic Walking and Back Pain with Karen ...

Nordic Walking and Back Pain with Karen Ingram

Apr 08, 2021

In episode 4, I speak to  Karen Ingram, who in 2005, cofounded Barefoot Studio, in the Vale of Glamorgan, helping people to enjoy an active lifestyle.  In our conversation, Karen describes being struck down by severe back pain that limited her mobility when she was still in her early twenties.  Her research into the positive effects of movement on pain have resolved her own back issues and she now wants to use her knowledge and expertise to help others. 

If you would like to learn more about Karen’s Back Hero programme then please visit or email [email protected]

Karen Ingram’s Book is called Thrive Don’t Just Survive

I'm Mary Tweed, a British Nordic Walking instructor with Nordic Walking East Anglia. If you wish to share your story, do get in touch by emailing [email protected]

I really hope that you enjoyed listening to Walking On Air and that you are feeling inspired to get outside and Nordic Walk.  Not only is Nordic Walking a whole body workout, but it is also one of the safest and most sociable way to exercise.  Classes always finish up in a cafe enjoying a coffee together.  If you have enjoyed this podcast, I would be very grateful if you could show your support by buying me a coffee!  Many thanks, Mary x

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