Menopause and Nordic Walking with Cather ...

Menopause and Nordic Walking with Catherine Pestano

Sep 15, 2021

In today’s episode I discuss the Menopause in relation to Nordic Walking with Catherine Pestano. Catherine is a qualified INWA Nordic Walking Instructor and runs Valley Nordic Walking.  She is also a mental health social worker by training and a Rebound Therapist.  Her passion is to help people who like her  felt nervous about exercise and were unsure if it was for them.  For far too long the menopause has been considered a taboo subject, but fortunately those outdated beliefs are disappearing.  So in today’s episode, we are going to discuss the perimenopause, the menopause and how Nordic Walking can bring multiple benefits to both.

If you would like to learn more about the menopause, then here are some links to research and information that Catherine mentioned in her interview. 

Pausitivity Poster - & Menopause Support Pack can be downloaded here:

The British Menopause Society

The North American Menopause Society has some fantastic resources, which can be found here:

Dr Louise Newsom hosts a brilliant website called My Menopause Doctor, which has a plethora of useful information and articles.  It is easy to navigate and aimed at the lay person who wishes to become better informed.

Nordic Walking Research on the menopause

I'm Mary Tweed, a British Nordic Walking instructor with Nordic Walking East Anglia. If you wish to share your story, do get in touch by emailing [email protected]

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