For the final episode of Series 3, I have a real treat for you all. In the last two episodes you have heard about the collaboration between Steve Ellis from Gemini Outdoor and his client Simon Clark, who was written off and told he would never leave his hospital bed after a terrible car accident. They both join me today to discuss what they have learnt from working together, as well as setting goals and meeting expectations in a realistic manner.
As with the previous episode featuring Simon, please consider donating to the Great Western Air Ambulance Team.
To Donate, please visit the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity.
To listen to episodes referenced in this interview:
Altitude, Adventure & Nordic Walking Expeditions with Steve Ellis
Behind the Scenes of Walking On Air with Mary Tweed & Steve Ellis
Find An Instructor Near You
I'm Mary Tweed, a British Nordic Walking instructor with Nordic Walking East Anglia. If you wish to share your story, do get in touch by emailing [email protected]
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