✨Monthly Collective Tarot Reading & Ins ...

✨Monthly Collective Tarot Reading & Inspiration✨

Jan 01, 2021

image Energy for the Month

10 of Fire

Burning away, releasing the excess, endings clear wave for new beginnings. This is New Years Day and a perfect time for new beginnings! Embrace the energy of this time, of the change, in the same loving fashion as the trees embrace the ever changing seasons. Shedding and removing what no longer serves us, knowing it is setting us up for greatness in the future. Embrace the ebb and flow of life. 💖


The crystal to represent the energy of this month is carnelian. It is great for rejuvenating energy and new beginnings. This particular carnelian crystal is great for new beginnings because of the design. I like to imagine the small orange circle towards the middle-bottom as a caterpillar, growing through spiritual advancements (the line) up toward the butterfly (smear toward top) represented as ascension. 💎💖

✨Focus for the Month✨


Alchemy. When I am in alignment with Spirit’s will, miracles are possible. The focus for this month is on manifesting miracles and trusting our intuition. We are all capable of manifesting our own miracles, no matter how big and small. We must start by trusting the Divine and trusting our intuition to guide us along the way. 💖

Angel Aura Rose Quartz

The crystal to represent the focus for this month is the angel aura rose quartz crystal. This crystal is amazing for healing through love and light. This is absolutely helpful for manifesting your dreams by calling on the Divine and angels. Trust in your intuitive magic, you are stronger than you realize. 💎💖

✨Avoid for the Month✨

Ace of Water

I am filled with love from Spirit and joyously let it flow out to others, where it fertilizes the seeds of co-creation. Surprisingly, this month’s avoid card is about avoiding over sharing. Avoiding giving out too much of your energy. You may think you have an over abundance of energy, only to realize too late that you didn’t. You didn’t really have enough energy for that project you started and now you have to stop half way through; not ideal. To avoid this over exhaustion, try to focus on self-care and self-love. Don’t forget love from the Divine too! 💖

Caribbean Calcite

The crystal to represent the energy to avoid this month is the caribbean calcite. This crystal is there to simply remind us to love ourselves, to remain fluid like the ocean, and to avoid over sharing or over spilling too much energy onto a project or person, especially if you are not fully prepared. Trust in the Divine to take this time to flow in the present moment and plan for future action. 💎💖

🧐 “An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful.” - Dalai Lama🤓

🤔How can I make today meaningful? How can I endeavor to make all the days of this year meaningful?✍️

✨Deck Used: The Good Tarot by Colette Baron-Reid

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