Stand up paddling in winter time on aust ...

Stand up paddling in winter time on austrian lake Millstatt Carinthia

Feb 23, 2021

Stand up paddling in winter time on austrian lake Millstatt Carinthia long video SUP Paddeln im Winter auf dem österreichische see Millstatt Kärnten lange video SUP pádlování v zimě na rakouském jezeře Millstatt Korutany dlouhé video

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HI... Do you like our videos? Support episodes in buy me a coffe is a Youtube channel about skiing, camping, hiking, traveling, life of a sports instructor. Join us and explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and beautiful scenery of nature. We create Youtube videos about SKI, SNB, Sailing, WINDSURFING, TENNIS, TOURISM, STANDUP PADDEL, NORDIC WALKING, ADVENTURE, INLINESCATING, CLIMBING, TRAVEL. We are just starting. Join us and experience something new

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