About Heiker
Writing articles about software development
Hey 👋 I'm Heiker, a web developer from Venezuela that likes to write articles about javascript, nodejs, functional programming, vim and share tips and tricks about command line tools. And also have some open source projects.
Blog posts:
* vonheikemen.github.io./devlog
* dev.to
Open source projects:
* Github
Recent supporters
In this post I'll show you the "core" feature of the .reduce method by implementing my own version. I also share what I think is the ideal use case for this function. Read on devto: https://dev.to/vonheikemen/reduce-how-and-when-2cj9 Or my blog: https://vonheikemen.github.io/devlog/web-development/learn-fp/reduce-how-and-when/
Learn how and when to use (Array) reduce in javascript
May 24, 2021